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Research Highlights

Oceanus Magazine


Navigating new waters

November 22, 2024

The engineering team at the Ocean Observatories Initiative overcomes the hurdles of deploying the coastal pioneer array at a new site

Tom Bell

The 10,000-foot view

June 27, 2024

WHOI’s Tom Bell tracks changes to vulnerable coastal ecosystems with aerial imagery

alvin blue print

The story of a “champion” submersible

May 30, 2024

Alvin’s humble origins began alongside Wheaties cereal


A cabled ocean

April 18, 2024

Internet cables on the seafloor could advance how we track changes in the Arctic

cold case

A cold case, filed

December 6, 2023

A year after East Antarctica’s Conger ice shelf collapsed, an expert uses forensic evidence to uncover what happened

News Releases

mROV concept rendering

WHOI receives funding for next-gen ROVs

September 27, 2024

A new, integrated system will enable ocean science, exploration, and restoration efforts from a wider range of vessels.

Streaming off the ice shelf

WHOI receives $1.6 Million to build revolutionary Antarctic ice shelf monitoring system

August 13, 2024

SAMS will operate autonomously for years in hostile, difficult-to-reach locations that are Ground Zero for global sea-level rise

Researchers improve satellite surveillance of emperor penguins

May 29, 2024

New method will provide accurate counts and breeding success of the threatened species in the light of climate change

Sargassum Patch

Study Clearly Identifies Nutrients as a Driver of the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt

October 11, 2023

Findings could lead to locating nutrient sources and providing management options

El Gordo hydrothermal chimney

WHOI tapped by NSF to lead OOI Program Management for an Additional Five Years

September 21, 2023

The OOI collects and serves measurements from more than 900 autonomous instruments on the seafloor and on moored and free-swimming platforms.

News & Insights

WHOI builds bridges with Arctic Indigenous communities

February 10, 2021

NSF program fosters collaboration between indigenous communities and traditional scientists, allowing WHOI’s autonomous vehicles to shed light on a changing Arctic

WHOI-assisted study finds ocean dumping of DDT waste was “sloppy”

October 29, 2020

An investigative report this week in the LA Times features the work of WHOI’s marine geochemistry lab in identifying the discarded barrels and analyzing samples from the discovery.