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Educational Assembly

The Education Assembly Charter includes the Purpose, Purview, Responsiblities, Mode of Operation, Membership and Duration and Review.


The membership of the Educational Assembly in a given year will consist of:

  1. All members of the Scientific Staff.
  2. Those members of the Technical Staff who participate in the Institution's educational programs in any of the following ways: classroom teaching, supervising and counseling students, serving on student thesis and examining committees, and serving on departmental or Institutional educational committees.
  3. Eight graduate student members elected by and from those graduate students enrolled in WHOI degree programs. They will be elected in a way so as to ensure at least one student from each of the five departments.
  4. Seven representatives of the Postdoctoral Association of WHOI elected according to the Charter of the WHOI Postdoctoral Association.
  5. Members of the Directorate who are not otherwise eligible and those individuals, designated by the Educational Council, who participate in the educational programs in the ways described in V (b).

Operating Procedures

The Educational Assembly will meet three scheduled times each year and on other occasions, as the agenda requires. The Assembly will operate primarily through an executive committee called the Educational Council. The Assembly will be chaired by the Vice Presifent for Academic Programs and Dean and will use standard parliamentary rules for discussion and voting upon motions presented to it.

The Agenda for each meeting will be prepared by the Educational Council and distributed in advance. The Educational Council will place on the agenda any item submitted in writing at least three weeks in advance of the meeting and signed by five members of the Assembly. Business on the agenda may be introduced from the floor and discussed; voting, however will be deferred until the next meeting, if the matter affects educational policies or degree requirements.