How do I schedule a cruise?
We will be working near a foreign country, what do we need to do?
I will be aboard when the ship returns to the US from aboard, what does that mean for me and my equipment in regards to US Customs?
How do I ship my equipment to Woods Hole?
How do I ship my equipment to a vessel when it is not in Woods Hole?
Where do I find the ship’s agent contact information?
What costs are the science party responsible for?
I am not covered by any health insurance, what do I do?
Where can I find the “Personnel form”?
Is there a list of different forms that are used for cruises?
I am a vegetarian or have other dietary restrictions, what do I do?
I will be using Hazardous Material aboard ship, what do I do?
I will be using Radioactive Material aboard ship, what do I do?
What does the SSSG technician do?
What sensors are typically on the shipboard CTD?
We will be scuba diving off the ship, how do we do this?
What should I bring with me when I go to sea, any other tips?
Can a family member or guest be aboard ship for a cruise?
Where can I find information on WHOI’s dock?
What Hotels are available in or near Woods Hole?
Where can I find directions to WHOI?
How do I telephone the Atlantis?
How do I email someone on the Atlantis?
Where can I find a deck layout of the Atlantis?
Where can I find the schedule for Atlantis?
Where do I find information on the lab spaces aboard Atlantis?
Where is Atlantis now?
What science instrumentation is aboard the Atlantis?
Where can I find the berthing plan for the Atlantis?
Where can I find details about the Atlantis?
Where can I find details about Alvin?
Additional Alvin FAQ's