Across departments and sometimes in collaboration with other organizations, WHOI staff contribute to a variety of Institution centers.
Center for Marine and Environmental Radioactivity (CMER)
Dedicated to increasing scientific and public understanding of the sources, fate, and consequences of natural and human-made radioactive substances in the environment, in particular the oceans.
Center for Marine Robotics (CMR)
Collaborating with industry sponsors, academic partners, and key government agencies to change the way people and machines work together in the marine environment.
Center for Air-Sea Interactions and Marine Atmospheric Sciences (CASIMAS)
CASIMAS brings together observationalists, cutting-edge engineers, theoreticians, satellite remote sensing experts, and high-resolution climate modelers, to produce innovations in observations and modeling aimed at improving our understanding and predictions of extreme events, seasonal weather patterns, and climate-scale variability with a focus on the coupled ocean-atmosphere system.
Francis E. Fowler IV Center for Ocean and Climate
The center aims to explore the effectiveness of ocean-based solutions to climate change, such as those identified by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy. These solutions include lowering barriers to ocean-based renewable energy, conserving existing coastal ecosystems, and reducing the carbon footprint of the fishing and aquaculture industries.
Marine Mammal Center (MMC)
Using comprehensive basic research complemented by cutting-edge technology to solve major scientific and conservation problems.
Marine Policy Center (MPC)
Conducting social scientific research that integrates economics, policy analysis, and law with the Institution’s basic research in ocean sciences.
Ocean and Climate Innovation Accelerator (OCIA)
Launched by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), this first-of-its-kind consortium brings together industry, academia, and philanthropy to focus on advancing knowledge of the ocean’s critical role as a defense against a warming planet.
Woods Hole Center for Oceans & Human Health (WHCOHH)
Enhancing understanding of how oceanic processes affect the distribution and persistence of human pathogens and toxin producing organisms.