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MC&G Tuesday Seminars

MC&G Tuesday Seminars are held in Clark 507 each Tuesday at noontime, unless otherwise noted.

Please give Mary Zawoysky (x2310) the title of your talk at least one week in advance so that it can be included in the Weekly Calendar of Events (yellow sheet). The deadline for the calendar is Tuesday, noon, of the week prior to your talk.

Upcoming Speakers

Click HERE for a list of upcoming speakers.  Talks are subject to change at any time, depending on the speakers' schedules.

Video Recordings of MCG Dept's Tues Talks on Zoom

March 14, 2023

Integrated (Bio)geochemical Tracing of Microbial Methanogenesis in Geological CO2 Storage 

Rebecca Tyne, WHOI



March 7, 2023

Using Altered Ocean Crust to Constrain Seawater Oxygen Isotopes and Continental Emergence

Ben Johnson, Iowa State University



February 28, 2023

Modeling Marine Heterotrophic Bacteria: Implications for the Ocean Carbon Cycle

Heather Kim, WHOI

Passcode: +a+7DP0i


February 21, 2023

No seminar this week.


February 14, 2023

Two talks today:

Fe and Cu Influence on Isotope Fractionation and N2O Production during Ammonia Oxidation 

Don Martocello, WHOI


Age Distributions of Terrestrial Biomarkers in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin

Brenna Boehman, WHOI


Passcode: 3s#H57SF


February 7, 2023

Scaling Up: Bringing Geochemical Principles Out of the Lab for Permanent Carbon Dioxide Removal and Mineralization

Laura Lammers, CEO of Travertine Technologies, Inc.


Passcode: VLE1+N&A


January 31, 2023

The Effect of Seafloor Weathering on the Geologic Phosphate Cycle

Shlomit Sharoni, MIT

Passcode: G3S%Cxp!


January 24, 2023

Big Roles for Small Molecules in Biogeochemistry

Darcy McRose, MIT

This talk was not recorded.


January 17, 2023

Exploring the Effect of Ferrihydrite and Green Rust on Metal and Phosphate Budgets in Ancient Marine Environments

Ichiko Sugiyama, WHOI

Passcode: 3a^RmP1%


January 10, 2023

The Impacts of Sponge-Derived DOM on Coral Reef Ecosystems

Alicia Reigel, Appalachian State University


Passcode: kJ^9TL6%


JANUARY 3, 2023

No seminar this week.


Dec. 27, 2022

No seminar this week.


Dec. 20, 2022

No seminar this week.


Dec. 13, 2022

No seminar this week.


Dec. 6, 2022

Frontiers of Carbonate Clumped Isotope Geochemistry

Aradhna E. Tripati, University of California, Los Angeles

This talk was not recorded.


Nov. 29, 2022

No seminar this week.


Nov. 22, 2022

Helium and Carbon Characteristics of Central and South American Volcanic and Geothermal Systems

Peter Barry, WHOI

Passcode: $qg3R%sl


Nov. 15, 2022

The Geobiology of Point Dume Methane Seep Carbonate Chimneys

Jeff Marlow, Boston University


(talk starts at the 45:45 minute mark)

Passcode: m#L%7pn1


Nov. 8, 2022

Insights into the Diagenesis of Shallow Marine Carbonate Sediments

Mohammed Hashim, WHOI

Passcode: 7M@Gw2g+


Nov. 1, 2022

No seminar this week.


Oct. 25, 2022

Moving Forward with Responsible Studies of Ocean Iron Fertilization and Other Ocean CO2 Removal Approaches

Ken Buesseler, WHOI

This talk was not recorded.


Oct. 18, 2022

Moving Forward with Responsible Studies of Ocean Iron Fertilization and Other Ocean CO2 Removal Approaches

Ken Buesseler, WHOI

This talk was not recorded.


Oct. 11, 2022

Marine Barite Saturation: Chemical or Kinetic Equilibrium?

Tristan Horner, WHOI

This talk was not recorded.


Oct. 4, 2022

Commercial Hydrogen from Water Rock Reactions: A Pipeline or Pipe Dream?

Christopher Ballentine, University of Oxford

This talk was not recorded.


Sept. 27, 2022

Representation of the Arctic Land-Ocean Aquatic Continuum in Ocean Biogeochemical Models – Why Kilometer-Scale Modeling without a Robust Representation of Local Biogeochemical Dynamics is a Waste of Money and Time

Jens Terhaar, WHOI

Passcode: b4n^Cs*C


Sept. 20, 2022

The Geologic History of Earth's Biosphere 

Peter Crockford, WHOI

Passcode: yzj%6TZ%


Sept. 13, 2022

No talk this week.


Sept. 6, 2022

Redox Revolutions: Earth and Beyond

Ariel Anbar, Arizona State University

Passcode: .%VK%B4k


August 30, 2022

Tracing Carbon in Coastal Ecosystems

Yongli Zhou, Marine Biological Laboratory

Talk was not recorded.


August 23, 2022

The Ocean Alkalinity Cycle and Marine Carbon Dioxide Sequestration

Adam Subhas, WHOI


Passcode: rd^?z8P1


August 9, 2022

Two talks:

Iron Sources and Cycling over the Cenozoic: Evolution of the Iron Cycle in the South Pacific and Southern Ocean

Logan Ashley Tegler, WHOI


Synergy between Sunlight, Titanium Dioxide, and Microbes Enhances Degradation of Cellulase-Diacetate-Based Plastics in the Ocean

Anna Walsh, WHOI



Passcode: 8LiJqdg*


August 2, 2022

No talk this week.


July 26, 2022

Glycerolipid Diversity and Dynamics in the Global Ocean

Henry Holm, WHOI


Passcode: ZMnaE64$


July 19, 2022

Exploring the Potential of Sea Spray in Atmosphere-Ocean Gas Exchange

Allison Staniec, University of Connecticut

Link: no recording made


July 12, 2022

No talk this week.


June 21, 2022

No talk this week.


June 14, 2022

From Source to Surface: Eruption Dynamics Recorded by Water in Volcanic Rocks

Michael Hudak, WHOI



June 7, 2022

Microbial Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Associated with Marine Snow Particles

Clarissa Karthauser, WHOI

This presentation was not recorded.  Please contact Clarissa directly for information about the talk.


May 31, 2022

Tracking Marine O2 in Deep-Time with Tl Isotopes

Chadlin M. Ostrander, WHOI


: 2s.yV%7$


May 17 and 24, 2022

Talks canceled.


April 26, May 3, and May 10, 2022

MC&G interview talks; not recorded


April 19, 2022

School vacation week; no talk.


April 12, 2022

Uria Alcolombri, ETH
Talk not recorded


April 5, 2022

Influence of Particle Sinking Velocity on the Biological Pump

María Villa Alfageme, University of Seville


Passcode:  .1v^&R3a

(Note that initial "." at the start of the passcode)


March 29, 2022

Microbial Antifreeze Proteins in the Deep Subsurface Biosphere: Implications for Gas Hydrate Stability and Habitability
Jennifer Glass, Georgia Institute of Technology



: 5+rvS+k?


March 22, 2022

Dynamic Flushing of an Anoxic Fjord Leads to Differential Redox Reaction Rates

Roberta Hamme, University of Victoria, Canada



Passcode: 9fk^4oLg


March 15, 2022

Release, Transformation, and Effects of Polymer-Associated Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment

Imari Walker Karega, Duke University 



Passcode: EALVx2%Y


March 8, 2022

Chemical Currencies of a Microbial Planet (C-CoMP): The Past, Present, and Future of an NSF-funded Center at WHOI
Elizabeth Kujawinski, WHOI

This presentation was not recorded.


February 22, 2022 (school vacation wk) & March 1, 2022 (ASLO wk)

There are no Tues Talks.


February 15, 2022

Sulfur in Marine Particles

Morgan Raven, University of California, Santa Barbara



Passcode: #FMw37jJ


February 8, 2022

Speleothem Constraints on Past Hydroclimate:  The Value of Multiple Proxies

Kathleen Johnson, University of California, Irvine


Passcode: 8^bT^^w@


February 1, 2022

Diversity and Dynamics of Viruses in the Open Ocean

Elaine Luo, WHOI

This was a hybrid talk given in person in Clark 507 and simultaneously on Zoom.  A recording was not made.


January 25, 2022

No Tuesday Talk this week.


January 18, 2022

Northern Hemispheric Trigger for the Mid Pleistocene Transition 

Maayan Yahudai, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany


Passcode: %=84^Z7c


January 11, 2022

Seasonal and Diel Dynamics of Dissolved Metabolites at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) 

Erin McParland, WHOI


Passcode: 8kP+pCV@


January 4, 2022

Developing Novel Approaches for Studying Polymer Degradation in the Environment  

Taylor Nelson, WHOI  




December 28, 2021

No Tuesday Talk this week.


December 21, 2021

Testing Controls on Trace Element Proxies in Cold-Water Corals Cultured under Decoupled Carbonate Chemistry Conditions   

Anne Gothmann, St. Olaf College



December 14, 2021

No Tuesday Talk this week (AGU week)


December 7, 2021

Constraining Ocean CaCO3 Dissolution with a Global Alkalinity Model

Hengdi Liang, University of Southern California



November 30, 2021

Linking Oxygen and Carbon Dynamics to Deep Water Formation Using New Sensor Observations in the Labrador Sea

Dariia Atamanchuk, Dalhousie University


Uptake by the ocean and distributions of key components of the life cycle – oxygen (O2)  and carbon dioxide (CO2) – have a profound effect on the ocean’s health and on its capacity to continue mitigating the effects of climate change. The Northwest Atlantic region exerts a disproportionally large control on deep water properties with respect to concentrations of O2 and CO2. Yet, collecting data on proper spatio-temporal scales to constrain and quantify the processes responsible for gas uptake and distributions in the region is often prohibitive due to weather and the remote location. New autonomous ocean observations are transforming our view of the ocean, and the multiparameter profiling platforms, like SeaCycler and BGC-Argo, and mooring-based chemical sensors help fill the data gaps. The talk will focus on the status of biogeochemical observations in the region with a particular focus on the linkages between gas uptake and the deep convection.


Passcode: $r9bYS89


November 23, 2021

Development and Deployment of a Long-term Benthic Oxygen Flux System

Jeff Coogan, WHOI



November 16, 2021

Neodymium Isotopes and Deep Ocean Circulation: Present, Past, and Future

Chandranath Basak, University of Delaware




November 9, 2021

Detecting Life Signals in the Oceanic Lithosphere and Ultra-Low Biomass Sediments - Insights into a Hidden Majority

Florence Schubotz, University of Bremen



November 2, 2021

Origin and Evolution of Terrestrial Volatiles: Current Understanding and Recent Developments

David Bekaert, WHOI

This was a hybrid talk, presented in Clark 507 and at the same time on Zoom.




October 26, 2021

No Tuesday Talk today.


October 19, 2021

The M/V X-Press Pearl Nurdle Spill: Characterizing Burnt and Unburnt Nurdles Collected along Sri Lanka's Beaches

Bryan James, WHOI

This was a hybrid talk, presented in Clark 507 and at the same time on Zoom.




October 12, 2021

Multi-Isotopologue Perspective on Dissolved Oxygen in the Deep North Pacific

Laurence Yeung, Rice University




October 5, 2021

Calcite Dissolution in Seawater and the Accelerated Weathering of Limestone to Eliminate CO2 Emissions from Transoceanic Shipping

Jess Adkins, Caltech



September 21 & 28, 2021

No Tues Talks these weeks.


September 14, 2021

Volatile Accretion and Degassing of the Mantle

by Rita Parai, University of Washington, St. Louis




August 31, 2021

Examining the Biogeochemistry of Phytoplankton Stress from Enzymes to Ecosystems

Julia Diaz, Scripps Institution of Oceanography


Passcode: g^pb=d$7


August 24, 2021

210Po-210Pb Dynamics and Particle Export in the Western Arctic Ocean

Wokil Bam, WHOI

The naturally occurring 210Po (t1/2=138.3d) and 210Pb (t1/2=22.3 y) radionuclide pair has been extensively used to study particle scavenging, cycling and transport in the ocean.  However, the role of particle composition and concentration in the scavenging, sorption and fractionation of 210Po-210Pb needs to be better understood to successfully utilize these radionuclides as oceanographic tracers. My talk includes two major parts: in the first part, I will present the role of the concentration and composition of suspended particulate matters in scavenging and fractionation of these radionuclides in the western Arctic Ocean, the distribution, and disequilibria of 210Po and 210Pb in the western Arctic Ocean. In the second part, I will present the vertical fluxes of particles by utilizing the 210Po and 210Pb fluxes in both the Arctic.



August 3, 10, & 17 2021

No Tues Talk these weeks.


July 27, 2021:

Methane, Monsoons, and Milankovitch Modulation of Millennial-scale Variability

Kaustubh Thirumalai, University of Arizona


Passcode: h2^f%J&M


July 20, 2021:

Quantifying Seasonal and Spatial Variability in Iron Supply from Oxic Shelf Sea Sediments Using Iron Isotopes

Alastair Lough, University of Leeds, U.K.



July 6 & 13, 2021

No Tues Talk these weeks.


June 29, 2021:

Lack of Zn/Co Substitution Ability in the Polar Diatom Chaetoceros RS-19

Riss Kellogg, WHOI

A Global Perspective on Clumped Methane Isotopologues in Oceanic Hydrate-Bound Gases

Ellen Lalk, WHOI



June 22, 2021:

Gender Differences in NSF Ocean Sciences Awards

Ivan Lima, WHOI

We examine how women’s representation in National Science Foundation Ocean Sciences (NSF-OCE) awards has changed between 1987 and 2019 and how it varies across different programs, research topics and award types.  Women’s participation in NSF-OCE awards has increased at a rate of approximately 0.64% per year, and the similarity between the temporal trends in the NSF-OCE awards and the academic workforce suggests that there is no gender bias in NSF funding. The programs, topics and award types related to education show the strongest growth, achieving and surpassing parity with men, while those related to the acquisition of shared instrumentation and equipment for research vessels have the lowest women’s representation and show relatively little change over time.  Despite being vastly outnumbered by men, women PIs tend to do more collaborative work and have a more diversified “portfolio” of research and research-related activities than men.  We also found no evidence of gender bias in the amount awarded to men and women PIs.



June 15, 2021:

No Tues Talk today.


June 8, 2021:

Investigating Coral Exometabolites and Their Ecological Significance on Coral Reefs

Laura Weber, WHOI




June 1, 2021:

No Tues Talk (Memorial Day week)


May 25, 2021:

First Look at High Resolution, In-Situ Seawater Carbonate Chemistry Across Deep Coral Reefs Using Channelized Optical System II
Mallory Ringham, WHOI

Metabolic Pathways Distinguish Phytoplankton Groups and Provide a Measure of Nutrient Stress Status
Craig McLean, WHOI


Passcode: 6y!Xd&iD


May 18, 2021:

Organic Speciation of Iron along the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect
Jingxuan 'Jay' Li, WHOI

A Sensitive Fluorescent Assay for Measuring Carbon-Phosphorus Lyase Activity in Aquatic Systems
Ben Granzow, WHOI


Passcode: Uz#F+tf9


May 11, 2021:

Incorporating Microbes in our Understanding of Community Ecology on Coral Reefs

by Anya Brown, WHOI


Passcode: s6^f^v&H


May 4, 2021:

This talk was not recorded.


April 20, 2021:

Clay, Water, and Salt: Controls on the Permeability and Mechanics of Fine-Grained Sedimentary Media

Ian Bourg, Princeton University

Recording link:

Passcode: yc9A?W+m


April 13, 2021:

Empowering Data-Intensive Discovery and Deep Learning-Driven Insights to Capture Biological Complexity in the Biogeosphere

Adrienne Hoarfrost, Rutgers University

Recording link:

Passcode: h2U.JGL&


April 5, 2021:

Party of Five: Marine Bacterial and Archaeal interactions with the Cycling of N, P, and As in the Tropical Pelagic Ocean

Jaclyn Saunders, WHOI

Recording link:

Passcode: yU7ej6@2


March 30, 2021:

Our Ocean in the Anthropocene: The Combined Impact of Pollution and Climate Change on Marine Life

Manoela Romano de Orte, Carnegie Institution for Science

Recording link:

Passcode: x&^F?$E1

Recording starts a few minutes into the presentation.


March 23, 2021:

Potassium Cycling in Seawater: Insights from Stable Potassium Isotopes (41K/39K)

Danielle Santiago Ramos, WHOI

Recording link:


March 16, 2021:

Research Opportunities for Community College Students at WHOI

Julie Huber, WHOI

Recording link:


March 9, 2021 - No seminar


March 2, 2021:

Exploring the Use of Metals in Biogeochemically Important Enzymes in the Oceans, and Development of the Biogeochemical AUV Clio

Mak Saito, WHOI

Recording link:


February 2, 2021:

Short "Ocean Shots"
Presentations by Several of the MCG Scientific Staff

Recording link:


Jan. 26, 2021:

Right in Our Own Backyard: Methane Cycling on the California and Oregon Continental Shelves

Peter Girguis, Harvard University

Recording link:


Jan. 19, 2021:

Carbon Supply and Demand during the EXPORTS Northeast Pacific Field Deployment

David Nicholson, WHOI

Recording link:


Dec. 15, 2020:

Understanding the Consequences of Ocean Acidification and Warming for the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Using Field Surveys, Mesocosm Experiments, and Modelling

Louise Cameron, WHOI

Recording link:


Dec. 1, 2020:

Meltwater Drainage Dominates the Recent History of Thwaites Glacier as Recorded by Offshore Sediments

Lauren Simkins, University of Virginia


Recording link:


Nov. 24, 2020:

The Role of Dust on Earth’s Climate: Insights from the Paleoclimate Record & Modern Ecosystems

Sarah Aarons, Scripps Institution of Oceanography


Recording link:


Nov. 17, 2020:

How Hot and Wet is the Moon: Insight from Experiments

Ananya Mallik, University of Arizona


Recording link:


Nov. 10, 2020:

Sensing and Preventing Marine Nitrogen Pollution using Selective Electrochemistry

William Tarpeh, Stanford University

Recording link:


Nov. 3, 2020:

Throw It In Reverse: Is Enzyme Reversibility Wreaking Havoc in the Nitrogen Cycle?

Scott Wankel, WHOI

Recording link:


Oct. 27, 2020 - TWO TALKS:

Exploring Extracellular Superoxide in Coral Physiology and Health

Kalina Grabb, WHOI

and second

The Pacific Dissolved Cobalt Cycle: Insights from the GEOTRACES GP15 Expedition

Rebecca Chmiel, WHOI


Recording link:


Oct. 20, 2020 - Hydrothermal Trace Metal Release and Microbial Metabolism in the Northeast Lau Basin

Natalie Cohen, WHOI

Recording link:


Oct. 13, 2020 - From Evo to Eco: A Microbiologist's Journey from Bench to (Small) Boat

Rosie Alegado, University of Hawaii


Recording link:


Oct. 6, 2020

Diversifying Oceanography: The Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School in Ghana;

Brian Arbic, University of Michigan, and Winn Johnson, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Abstract:  Modeling and observing the global ocean environment requires a coordinated global effort. Yet, as in most STEM disciplines, Africans are under-represented in the global oceanography enterprise. The need, and the potential, for changing this is clear. The coastal resources of Africa, the world's second-largest continent, face many pressures including erosion due to sea-level rise, offshore oil drilling, increased shipping, overfishing, piracy, and others. At the same time, Africa has a young, rapidly growing population, and has several of the world's fastest-growing economies. The time is ripe for developing STEM partnerships between Africa and the rest of the world, and a more diverse global scientific community will benefit everyone.With the above motivations in mind, we developed the Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School in Ghana. Following an exploratory trip in 2014, during which we met potential partnering institutions, we have been running the school for one week every August since 2015. The hosting Ghana institution alternates between Regional Maritime University (RMU), which trains West Africans for careers in shipping, port management, and other marine sector careers, and the University of Ghana (UG), which has a marine and fisheries sciences department. Over time the school curriculum has grown to include hands-on labs, a boat trip, instrument deployments, field trips to beaches and ports, and short research projects, in addition to lectures. From 2016-2019, about 100 West Africans participated per year. The school has a regional impact; an increasing number of participants come from Nigeria and other countries outside of Ghana. Instruction is done by resource persons from Ghana, the US, and Europe. Global north participants have included undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and professors/research scientists.We will briefly discuss school success stories, our experience running the school virtually in 2020 (for about 60-70 participants), funding challenges, and our vision for the future of the school.

Recording link:


Sept. 29, 2020

Coupling the Petrology and Geodynamics of Mantle Magmatism;

Lucy Tweed, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Recording link:


Sept. 22, 2020

Deciphering Insights into the Past Carbon Cycle Using Calcifiers;

Rosalind Rickaby, University of Oxford;

Recording link:
