Mooring & Buoy Systems
Here is a sampling of some of the mooring projects and products that WHOI offers.
Air-Sea Interaction Meteorology: The ASIMET System
The ASIMET system is a set of seven very precise sensors that measure how energy and water move between the ocean and atmosphere.
Nootka Buoy
The Nootka buoy offers scientists the equivalent of a wireless hotspot in the middle of the deep ocean. It uses acoustic telemetry to send information through the water in bursts of sound waves.
Moored Profiler
A moored profiler makes repeated measurements of ocean currents and water properties up and down through almost the entire water column, even in very deep water.
Sediment Trap
Sediment traps are containers that scientists place in the water to collect particles falling toward the sea floor.
Improved Meteorological Packages (IMET)
Researchers use the IMET to understand the role of the exchanges of heat, gas and water across the air-sea interface in climate change.