Shared Equipment
- Isotope vans
- Cold laboratory van
- Nitrogen generation van
- Mooring winches and associated rigging hardware (see Winch Policy below)
- Traction winch with 30,000 ft. of .68" fiber optic cable and slip rings
- Portable winch with 3,000 ft. of .68" fiber optic cable and slip rings
- HIAB portable articulated crane
- Scanning photospectrometer and deployment hardware
- Surface towed magnetometers
- SEA MAC portable winch for "non-metallic" cables
- Towed camera system
- Gravimeter
- Large volume water sampling pumps
- CoreLube wire lubricator
- Towable video plankton recorder
- Lowered video plankton recorder
Sediment Sampling (see Geological Sampling below)
- 2.6" piston corers
- 4" gravity corers
- Multi-sensor core logging tool
- Chain bag rock dredges
- Box corer (2 ea. 50 cm x 50 cm, 1 ea. 40 cm x 40 cm)
- Ocean Instruments multi-corer
- Van Veen sediment grab
- Magnavox 4200 portable differential GPS receiver with
logging computer - Long baseline acoustic navigation system with signal processor,
transponders, computer and software - Portable ARGOS receiver/direction finder (2 ea.)
CTD/Water Sampling
The WHOI contact person for all items below, except where indicated otherwise, is Marshall Swartz (508-289-2246,, Clark Annex 171).
CTD Underwater Units
Seabird SBE9+ CTD systems are standard resident systems on WHOI ships, and are on board unless cruise requirements specifically omit them. Each SBE9+ system is used with an SBE11+ deck unit and SBE32 carousel release system.
CTDs are normally configured on a 24-position, 10-liter bottle frame with dual T/C sensors, Seabird SBE43 oxygen sensor and Benthos PSA-916 100m range altimeter. Also available on each SBE9+ CTD by pre-cruise request:
- Seapoint STM turbidity sensor
- Wet Labs ECO-FL fluorometer
- Wet Labs C*Star transmissometer (660nm wavelength)
- Biospherical QSP200L4S underwater PAR (1000m depth limit)
- Biospherical QSR240 PAR (connects to SBE11+ deck unit)
CTD-Related Support Equipment
Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP)
NSF-funded broadband LADCPs with separate and removable battery packs are available. Contact Daniel Torres (, 508-289-2845) for details and scheduling.
CTD Sampling Equipment
CTD Frames (by size)
- Qty 1 aluminum 24 bottle x 10-liter (URI permanent loan) (Seabird SBE9+ and LADCP)
- Qty 1 stainless 24 bottle x 4-liter (Seabird SBE9+ and LADCP)
- Qty 2 stainless 24 bottle x 10-liter (Seabird SBE9+ and LADCP) **Dedicated to resident SBE9+ systems on WHOI ships**
Release Systems
- Qty 5 SBE32 24-position rosette release systems (SBE CTD or SBE AFM only) **Dedicated to resident SBE9+ systems on WHOI ships**. SBE AFM for use with non-conducting cable.
CTD Frame Bottles
- GO 101010-10 10-liter Niskin bottles for GO mounting
- WHOI 3.3-liter bottles for hose clamp mounting
- WHOI 4.0-liter bottles for hose clamp mounting
- WHOI 10-liter bottles for hose clamp mounting
Hydrographic Analysis Equipment
- Guideline Autosal model 8400A and 8400B salinometers. Can be configured with WHOI PC-based data capture and analysis system
Disolved Oxygen Titration Systems
- Modified Winkler titration systems with PC-based data capture and analysis system
- Portable modified Winkler titration system. The oxygen titration systems are complex equipment, and are not supplied without pre-arrangement for operator training by a WHOI hydrographic technician and arrangement for consumable chemicals and supplies. Users interested in this gear MUST request this equipment through the WHOI Cruise Planning Questionnaire, or through the WHOI Cruise Synopsis update process, unless the user has been trained.
Sample Transfer Bottles
- Trays of salt bottles are available in 125ml and 250ml sizes
- Trays of oxygen sample bottles are available in 200ml sizes