Scientific Instrumentation
The NSF Shipboard Technician Grant provides support for a suite of scientific instrumentation available for use aboard WHOI vessels. In most cases, a scientist may operate the equipment with a minimum of instruction; some instruments (e.g. sediment corers) require WHOI technical supervision. If a scientific program includes use of any of the following items, please complete the relevant portions of the Cruise Planning Questionnaire as soon as possible. The Research Vessel Science Coordinator will notify the appropriate contacts at WHOI and every effort will be made to provide that equipment aboard the vessel.
- Ship parameter data logging and display system with Ethernet and RS232 data distribution capability
- Navigation displays, winch readouts, meteorological readings in principal laboratory spaces
- Isotope van equipped with A/C, water, telephone, fume hood, Triathler single vial scintillation counter
- SBE 911+ Deck Unit and CTD Rosette equipped with 23 ea. 10-liter Niskin bottles (see WHOI Standard CTD Package)
- RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 KHz ADCP
- RDI Workhorse Mariner 300 KHz ADCP
- Knudsen 320B/R echosounder with digital data logging
- TC-12/34 and TR-109 transducers
- C-Nav, a globally corrected precision GPS (<0.1Meter).
- GPS-based precision clock, 300 nanosecond accuracies, Outputs: IRIG, RS232 ASCII,1 sec pulse, 1, 5, 10 mHz on ship's network
- Hand-held and deck launchers
- XBT : SSSG is budgeted to provide one XBT per day per cruise, any additional XBT’s must be provided by the science party
Meterological Sensors & Tower
- Air Temperature
- Barometric Pressure
- Relative Humidity
- Short & Long Wave Solar Radiation
- Wind Speed & Direction