Vehicles & Submarines
AOPE’s underwater vehicles and submarines allow the exploration of the ocean depths and vast regions of the seafloor that, until recently, had been relatively unknown. They contribute to ongoing investigations of hydrothermal vents, seafloor ridges, and trenches while allowing up-close study of ocean life and processes.

Autonomous and Remotely Operated Vehicles
Research completed with autonomous, remotely operated, and hybrid vehicles provides major contributions to the understanding of deep-sea geological, chemical and biological processes.
» Deep Submergence Laboratory (DSL) vehicles
» Jetyak
» Consortium for Marine Robotics (CMR)

Alvin has made thousands of dives for a variety of scientific explorations. The submersible's most famous exploits include locating a hydrogen bomb accidentally dropped into the Mediterranean Sea in 1966, exploring deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and surveying the sunken ocean liner Titanic.
» More about Alvin