Additional Information
National & Regional Programs
- National Data Buoy Center
- Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System (GoMOOS)
- National Research Council: The Meteorological Buoy and Coastal Marine Automated Network for the United States
- Tropical Atmosphere/Ocean (TAO) array
- Mooring Information from NOAA
- Triangle Trans-Ocean Buoy Network (TRITON)
ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop
Since the 1960s, these workshops have covered the technology of oceanographic, weather, and other buoy systems. Based on a suggestion and support by the Office of Naval Research, buoy workshops have been organized and supported every two years since 1996 to foster communication and exchange between designers, assemblers, operators, and users of buoy systems.
Online Expeditions
Expeditions featuring the deployment or recovery of moorings and buoys.
Ocean InSight: Irminger Rings in the Labrador Sea
September 19 to 28, 2007
Join oceanographer Amy Bower as she travels on the R/V Knorrto the Labrador Sea to install a deep water mooring and technology to observe currents. She will be posting interactive updates on the OceanInsight website, which has special enhancements for the visually impaired.
Mission 1551: A Shipboard Expedition to the Tropical Atlantic
April 14 to April 28, 2007
Follow a team of oceanographers to the western tropical Atlantic Ocean as they work to decode the complicated interactions among the ocean, atmosphere and global climate at 15°N, 51°W.
Beaufort Gyre Exploration Project
A series of nine expeditions from 2003 to 2011. The purpose is to study
fresh water accumulation and release mechanism and the role of fresh
water in Arctic climate variability.
Edge of the Arctic Shelf: 2004 Recovery
September 1 to October 1, 2004
The primary objective of our 2004 cruise is to recover 15 moorings, which are located in four regions.
Edge of the Arctic Shelf: 2003 Turnaround
September 10 to October 18, 2003
This cruise is our second year of oceanographic field work as part of the Western Arctic Shelf Basin Interactions (SBI) Experiment. The purpose of the cruise is to recover 14 moorings to retrieve 14 months of oceanographic data and then put the moorings back into the water for another year.
Edge of the Arctic Shelf: 2002 Deployment
July 15 to August 12, 2002
This cruise represents the physical oceanographic component of the Western Arctic Shelf Basin Interactions (SBI) Experiment. The overall goal is to understand how the Arctic shelves communicate with the interior basin from a coupled physical--biogeochemical standpoint.