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Grab Sampler (Van Veen)

General Information

This sediment sampler has a clam shell-type scoop setup. Although it tends to disturb the sediments more than the hydraulically damped corer, it is much simpler to operate. It can extract samples up to 20 centimeters deep within a sampling area of 0.1 square meters.

Various types of clam-shell type benthic grab samplers, including the Van Veen grab, are available by loan from the Coastal Ocean Institute (COI) instrument pool and may be borrowed by contacting George Hampson (

Technical Information

Substantial sampling area

Significant disturbance to sediments
Cannot sample overlying water
Not designed to sample living organisms


Duncan and Associates
Kahl Scientific Instrument Corporation
KC Denmark

Deploying the Van Veen grab sampler. (Photo by Brittany Jones, University of Alaska, Fairbanks)