AOPE Project Highlights
Using Machine Learning to Accelerate Detection of Fish Calls for Coral Reef Biodiversity Monitoring
A diversity of life is vital for the survival of coral reefs. Sound can tell us if a reef is healthy and acts as a homing beacon to bring more fish to settle there. A fish call detector has been developed to improve biodiversity estimates while assessing the response of reef ecosystems to disturbance and change.
Persistent Measurements of Surface Waves in Landfast Ice Using Fiber Optic Telecommunication Cables
Unlike ice in deep water, landfast sea ice attaches itself to the coastlines or shallow seafloor on the continental shelves. This project will contribute to a high-resolution dataset while investigating attenuation and breakup in landfast sea ice.
Ultra‐Low‐Power Acoustic Wake‐Up Receiver for Buoyless Fishing
Whales and other animals are often entangled in long ropes or lines connecting lobster traps to buoys. A low-power wake-up receiver could expand the use of "on-call" buoys and reduce these entanglements.
Synchrony in Giant Kelp
Kelp canopy dynamics are investigated for inclusion in synchrony models. Reaching heights of more than 100 feet, giant kelp forests provide a home to thousands of species of marine life while offering shelter from predators and storms.
Penguin Life Observatories
AOPE researchers are investigating the impacts of global change on the Southern Ocean's ecosystem. Emperor penguins, king penguins and Adelie penguins are remotely monitored with the help of ECHO and other robots.
Sea Ice-Ocean Exchange of Arctic Microplastics
The problem of microplastics in the Arctic marine system is of recent interest, spurred by field observations that show surprisingly high concentrations of microplastics in the Arctic ecosystem.
Wave Mediated Transfers of Energy and Momentum Across the Air-Sea Interface
AOPE scientists are investigating wave-modulated transfer of energy between the atmosphere and ocean to improve air-sea interaction datasets while adding to our understanding of global climate change.
What Lies Beneath?
This project combines remotely sensed and in-situ observations with numerical model simulations to help predict nearshore processes on short spatial and temporal scales.
A Day in the Field Testing CUREE
New capabilities were recently tested in St. Johns, USVI. The field experiments included audio-visual benthic surveys of coral reefs and animal tracking in visually complex environments.
The Ocean Twilight Zone
This interdisciplinary project explores one of our planet’s hidden frontiers - the ocean twilight zone, a vast, dimly lit region between about 200 and 1,000 meters beneath the ocean’s surface.
Coastal Polynya Variability and Marine-Terminating Glacier Change
Coastal polynyas, or areas of open water surrounded by sea ice, are investigated to determine their effects on Antarctic ice shelf variability.