For Teachers
What resources does WHOI offer K-12 teachers?
The mission of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) encompasses research and higher education. As resources permit, the Institution provides outreach and curriculum materials for elementary, secondary, and continuing adult education.
To assist educators in preparing curricula or teaching units on subjects in oceanography, WHOI’s Education, Information, and Sea Grant offices created a teacher packet. Single packets are available at no charge.
You can order a teacher packet by contacting the WHOI Visitor Center, MS #16, 93 Water Street, Woods Hole, 02543; Phone: (508) 289-2252, or e-mail: information@whoi.edu.
Other Resources
The Northeast U.S. Shelf Long-Term Ecological Research (NES-LTER) Schoolyard program engages Middle (MS) and High School (HS) teachers and students with our research and data, including an annual Data Jam competition.
Teachers and students may be particularly interested in following the progress of WHOI’s Research Vessel Atlantis and Research Vessel Neil Armstrong.
Links to other on-line voyages:
Link to Teacher Resources:
For Falmouth-area teachers:
As a member of the Woods Hole Scientific and Technology Education Partnership (WHSTEP), WHOI advises and shares information and resources with local science educators. WHOI is also a participating member of the Massachusetts Marine Educators and the Massachusetts Partnerships to Advance Learning in Mathematics and Sciences.
WHOI scientists also serve as judges each year for science fairs at Falmouth Academy and Falmouth (MA) public schools, and the institution offers several prizes.
Can my students contact a WHOI scientist with research questions?
Because of the volume of calls received by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and because the scientists are busy working, we ask the public to call our Visitor Center 508-289-2252. The Visitor Center works hard to find the requested information and serves as a conduit for information from the scientists.
Can I bring my class to visit WHOI? What will we see?
School groups can visit the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Ocean Science Discovery Center. Visitors will learn about the Institution’s ocean science research and the vessels and tools developed by WHOI engineers and scientists for use in that research. Short videos provide an introduction to WHOI, show a day in the life of the deep submersible Alvin, and highlight the 1985-1986 discovery and exploration of the wreck of the Titanic. Visitors can step inside a full-size model of the inner sphere of Alvin and imagine life at the ocean floor while watching vivid footage taken at deep-sea hydrothermal vent sites. Other videos explain how these vents form and give up-close views of the unusual life forms that live around the vents. An interactive exhibit features whale and dolphin research and explores the roles sound and hearing play in the lives of marine mammals. For more information and a group reservation, call 508-289-2663.
WHOI recommends that, while in Woods Hole, school groups also visit the National Marine Fisheries Service’s aquarium. For aquarium information, call 508-495-2001.
Does WHOI offer opportunities for teachers to go to sea?
Teachers who support student participation in the NES-LTER Schoolyard Data Jam are eligible to participate in a Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program which includes going to sea for a week-long transect cruise across the Northeast U.S. Shelf.
For Students
I need help with a school project
You can call WHOI’s Visitor Center with general questions about marine science and on-going research at WHOI.
Email: information@whoi.edu
Telephone: 508-289-2252.
The Visitor Center provides packets of general information about WHOI and on specific oceanographic subjects, answers basic questions, and, where ever possible, directs people to other resources both within the Institution and in other organizations or agencies. You can also check out the WHOI K-12 resource page.
How can I become a marine biologist?
There are lots of resources available that will put you on the right track toward becoming a marine biologist and any other marine-related career. The guidance and career counselors at your high school or college are a great resource or check out the WHOI marine careers page.
How can I enroll in classes or a marine science program at WHOI?
WHOI education programs operate primarily on the graduate level. A joint program with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) enrolls students working toward master’s and doctoral degrees. Some summer student fellowships and minority traineeships are awarded to undergraduates and recent college graduates.
If I come to Woods Hole, can I see Alvin?
Although Alvin is operated by WHOI, the manned submersible is rarely in port here. Usually Alvin is at sea with the research vessel Atlantis, bringing researchers and scientists to the ocean depths.
At our Ocean Science Discovery Center you can sit inside a full-scale model of the Alvin personnel sphere, look through its viewports to see footage from the sea floor, and learn more about how Alvin is built to withstand the pressures of the deep. Located at 15 School Street. Suggested donation: $2/person aged 10 and over; under 10, free. Small gift shop. Telephone (508) 289-2663 or 289-2252.
Can I work in a WHOI lab during the summer?
Because WHOI operates year-round, its needs do not necessarily increase in the summer months. If interested in job, please browse WHOI's list of current job openings. If you are interested in a summer position, you should monitor this page regularly to see if a job has been posted and follow the same procedures as you would for all of our job openings.