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AOPE Seminars

Next Seminar: Joshua Harringmeyer, CUNY

Title: TBD

1/22/2025 12:15 PM, Bigelow 114

If you have a question regarding an AOPE seminar, please contact seminar coordinators Henry Houskeeper and Nare Karapetyan. To schedule a seminar, please contact Nolan Caywood.

Seminar Schedule

Date Speaker Location Affiliation Title
1/1/2025 No Seminar; Holiday
1/8/2025 Jacquelyn Veatch Smith Conference Room AOPE/WHOI Fine scale ocean features influence the spatial structure of a coastal marine food web
1/15/2025 Gil Averbuch Smith Conference Room AOPE/WHOI Ice Seismo-Acoustic in Atka Bay, Antarctica.
1/22/2025 Joshua Harringmeyer Smith Conference Room CUNY TBD
1/29/2025 Julieta Kaminsky Smith Conference Room AOPE/WHOI TBD
2/5/2025 Tom Bell Smith Conference Room AOPE/WHOI TBD
2/12/2025 Kyle Emery Smith Conference Room UCLA TBD
2/29/2025 TBD Smith Conference Room TBD
2/26/2025 Md Jahidul Islam Smith Conference Room UF TBD