Research Highlights
Oceanus Magazine
News Releases
SAMS will operate autonomously for years in hostile, difficult-to-reach locations that are Ground Zero for global sea-level rise
New method will provide accurate counts and breeding success of the threatened species in the light of climate change
Findings could lead to locating nutrient sources and providing management options
The OOI collects and serves measurements from more than 900 autonomous instruments on the seafloor and on moored and free-swimming platforms.
The Shared Autonomy for Remote Collaboration (SHARC) framework “enables remote participants to conduct shipboard operations and control robotic manipulators.
News & Insights
Fishing community and OOI scientists unite to study how the ocean is changing & what it means for global fishing industries
An investigative report this week in the LA Times features the work of WHOI’s marine geochemistry lab in identifying the discarded barrels and analyzing samples from the discovery.
DUNEX is a multi-agency, academic and stakeholder collaborative community experiment to study nearshore processes during coastal storms. Use this ArcGIS map to learn more about all the project sites along the North Carolina coastline.