Blogs & Expeditions
Featured Expeditions
Beaufort Gyre Expedition: A climate out of balance...
September 12-October 5, 2019
Recent observations suggest that because of global warming, the natural rhythms of the Beaufort Gyre have been tipped out of balance. To find out what this means for the future of the Arctic climate, scientists from the United States, Canada, and Japan have set out every summer since 2003 for month-long expeditions aboard the Canadian icebreaker Louis S. St-Laurent. They sample water properties during the cruises as well as deploy arrays of instruments to make sustained observations of the environment above, below, and within the floating icepack.
HACON: Hot Vents in an Ice-covered Ocean
September 19-October 16, 2019
A team of WHOI scientists and engineers takes the hybrid remotely operated vehicle Nereid Under-Ice 200 miles north of Greenland to attempt the first-ever exploration of hydrothermal vents in the Arctic.
The Life and History of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
This summer, WHOI is teaming up with NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine Imaging Technologies on a three-year project to explore the undersea life and maritime heritage of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Live ship-to-shore broadcasts will be available on this site September 17-19, 2019.
Dive and Discover
Stories, photos, and videos take you on board research expeditions that explore some of the most remote and unknown reaches of the ocean and the organisms that live there.