The Atlantis is currently equipped with a Kongsberg Maritime EM124 Multibeam Echosounder. The EM124 12 kHz system is designed to perform seabed mapping to full ocean depth, with full resolution, coverage, and accuracy. Some details of the system installed on Atlantis:
- Swath width from 2 to 6 times water depth. In typical 3 to 4 km depths, a swath width of 3.5 times depth can be expected.
- Full 1° x 1° transmit and receive array.
- Up to 432 soundings per swath in single ping mode, up 864 soundings in dual ping mode.
- Can use both CW and FM outgoing pulses.
- Capability to record water column data.
- .KMall format datagrams
- A fully integrated display system, with 2D and 3D viewing, route planning, system diagnostics, etc.
Color printers and large-format plotters are also available.
See Also
The EM122 Multibeam on Atlantis is manufactured by Kongsberg Maritime, and is part of a family of multibeam echosounders.
MB-System is an open source software package for the processing and display of bathymetry and backscatter imagery data derived from multibeam, interferometry, and sidescan sonars.
The Rolling Deck to Repository program is the official archive for underway data (including multibeam data) from the U.S. academic research fleet. All WHOI multibeam data is archived via R2R.