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Research Highlights

A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Ocean

A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Ocean

Forecasting Where Ocean Life Thrives

Forecasting Where Ocean Life Thrives


Forecasting Future Hurricanes

Long-term Study Focuses on New England Ocean

Long-term Study Focuses on New England Ocean

Ocean Observatories Initiative

Ocean Observatories Initiative

Aqua Incognita

Aqua Incognita

Pinocchio's Nose

Pinocchio’s Nose

Thinking Global

Thinking Global

Diving for Data

Diving for Data

A Pioneering Vision

A Pioneering Vision

New Air-Launched Devices Help Study Hurricanes

New Air-Launched Devices Help Study Hurricanes

Extreme Climate

Extreme Climate

To Forecast Rain, Look to the Ocean

To Forecast Rain, Look to the Ocean

The Hotspot for Marine Life

The Hotspot for Marine Life

Scientist-Fisherman Partnership

Scientist-Fisherman Partnership

Antarctic Bottom Waters Freshening at Unexpected Rate

Antarctic Bottom Waters Freshening at Unexpected Rate

All the Ocean's a Stage

All the Ocean’s a Stage

Salty Oceans Can Forecast Rain on Land

Salty Oceans Can Forecast Rain on Land