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Research Highlights

Melting ice on the Iceland and Greenland ice caps are major sources of fresh water into the North Atlantic, which contributes to sea level rise and potentially disrupts global ocean circulation.
(Photo by Laura Stevens, © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Two New Studies Substantially Advance Understanding of Currents that Help Regulate Climate

Amala Mahadevan

5 Questions with Dr. Amala Mahadevan

The OOI surface buoy (shown here in 2018 being serviced by the WHOI-operated research vessel Neil Armstrong) will help provide crucial verification of USV and satellite-based models of air-sea interaction in difficult-to-reach high-latitude waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Photo by James Kuo, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

WHOI-NOAA partnership tackles critical gap in climate knowledge

Ningaloo Reef

Studies investigate marine heatwaves, shifting ocean currents

polar landscape

North Atlantic Ocean yields clues for better weather predictions

The new study uses a method of tracking the strength of near-shore ocean currents from a distance via measurements of coastal sea level. (Photo by Carol Anne Clayson, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Florida Current is Weaker Now Than at Any Point in the Past Century

Scenes from research expeditions highlighted in "Divergent Warmth" (left, M. Lubetkin) and "Beyond the Gulf Stream" (right, John McCord).

WHOI Scientists Make Woods Hole Film Festival Appearance


WHOI researchers head back to sea after “pause” in research expeditions

The Deepwater Horizon well released an estimated 168 million gallons of oil and 45 million gallons of natural gas into the ocean, making it the largest accidental marine oil spill in history. (Photo by Cabell Davis, © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

What did scientists learn from Deepwater Horizon?

R/V Neil Armstrong in Prince Christian Sound

$8.3M award to WHOI extends observational record of critical climate research

Fossil Porites coral (above) from the southern Mentawai Islands (Indonesia) in the eastern Indian Ocean were used to reconstruct Indian Ocean Dipole variability over previous centuries. (Photo by Nerilie Abram, Australian National University)

Indian Ocean phenomenon spells climate trouble for Australia

Margot Saher (left) of Bangor University and Roland Gehrels of University of York work together to obtain a sediment core from Barn Island salt marsh in Stonington, Conn. (Image Courtesy of Roland Gehrels, University of York)

Study reveals rapid sea-level rise along U.S. Atlantic coast in 18th century

Walking on polar ice

Oceans of Change

Walking on polar ice

Oceans of Change

WHOI physical oceanographer Young-Oh Kwon relies on a combination of ocean data and climate models to understand the circulatory strength of the Atlantic Ocean’s conveyor belt.  (Photo by Daniel Hentz, © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

The future of the ocean’s conveyor belt


Report reveals ‘unseen’ human benefits from ocean twilight zone

Australia satellite image of bushfire

Investigating the ocean’s influence on Australia’s drought

Climate Central sea level rise graphic

WHOI scientists weigh in on sea level rise impact study