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Funding Opportunities

WHOI Doherty Chairs in Education

Description of Selection Process and Expectations


The award is made to a tenured WHOI Scientist based on a competitive process requiring a short proposal that describes a project to improve or enhance the WHOI education program and lists past contributions to the program. The primary selection criteria will be the potential for the proposed project to make a significant contribution to the WHOI education program. Past contributions to the WHOI education program will be considered as a secondary criteria.


An application consists of a short statement (2 pages or less) outlining a plan that would improve or enhance the WHOI education program and a short, NSF-style CV and which includes a description of past contributions to the WHOI education program. Applications should be submitted directly to Dean Yoder no later than May 1, 2012.

The WHOI education program includes the MIT/WHOI Joint Program, Postdoctoral Program, Summer Student Fellow/Minority Fellow Program, Guest Student Program and limited K-12 activities. For the purposes of this award, activities to improve or enhance WHOI education programs or the Joint Program will be broadly interpreted and include, for example, development and improvement of curriculum and courses including special programs and short courses outside of the Joint Program; activities that improve student recruitment; mentoring programs for existing students and postdocs; and efforts to increase participation of underrepresented groups in the education programs.

Following selection, Chairs will develop the details of their Activity Plan in consultation with the Dean. Impacts on Academic Program Office (APO) budget and staff will be one of the considerations when evaluating the proposals, i.e. APO does not want to initiate new directions or programs, unless we are confident that we can manage and pay for them.

Working with a selection committee consisting of the WHOI Education Coordinators, the Dean will recommend the person to receive the Chair to the President and Director and the Board of Trustees. The first award will be effective June 1, 2012.


Each award, approximately $75K/year, will be funded through income from the Henry L. and Grace Doherty Professor of Oceanography fund.

Chairs will be held by the recipients for two (2) years, and we anticipate that a new Chair will be awarded each year. Funds awarded must be spent no later than 1 year after the conclusion of the award period. Funds awarded are intended to be used in support of activities (including Chair salary support) that further the approved Activity Plan.


Please address questions to Dean Meg Tivey at or (508) 289-3362.