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Research Highlights


First Observational Evidence of Beaufort Gyre Stabilization, Which Could be Precursor to Huge Freshwater Release

OOI engineers and mooring operations staff work together to deploy a section of a Pioneer Array mooring over the aft deck of R/V <em>Neil Armstrong</em>. (Photo by Allen Smith, © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

On the Move

Cape Range cave in Northwestern Australia.  Changes in the isotopic composition of the stalagmites in Cape Range and the Kimberley region in northern Australia reflect rainfall over Australia from tropical cyclones and the monsoon. (Photo by Darren Brooks /Australian Speleological Federation, Perth, Australia)

Research reveals new links behind climate change in Australia


New Research Unlocks Clues About the Iconic Flight of the Wandering Albatross

Wide angle shot of marsh, two people gatherin samples in the distance, purple lupines in the foreground, a tidal greet with red clay down the middle

An introduction to marsh bothering

Living on the edge

Living on the edge

WHOI senior engineer Jeff O’Brien offloads an Ice tethered Profiler buoy and winch from the CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent, a Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker during the 2019 expedition of WHOI’s Beaufort Gyre Exploration Project. (Photo by Fred Marin, © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

5 essential ocean-climate technologies

Sea Level Rise Image

Is sea-level rise exaggerated?

The Thames River used to freeze over in winters during the Little Ice Age, providing thick enough ice to support large outdoor festivals known as frost fairs. (Image courtesy of Rijks Museum) BY ELISE HUGUS | SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin

Are we heading toward another Little Ice Age?

Isabela Le Bras

Waiting on the next freshwater flush

An Arctica islandica shell perches on the railing of the ESS Pursuit during a research cruise in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, south of the Gulf of Maine. A new WHOI co-led study finds that rapid Gulf of Maine warming has reversed long-term cooling that occurred there within the last 900 years. Image credit: Nina Whitney/ © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Rapid warming in the Gulf of Maine reverses 900 years of cooling

Fishers from the Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation/WHOI Shelf Research Fleet prepare to collect data using an instrument that measures temperature and salinity. This work gives rise to WHOI-led study that shows an increase in warm water intrusions along the Mid-Atlantic Bight. (From L to R: Sean Daly, Victor Garcia, Jay Winchenbach) Image credit: Jim Violet

Mid-depth waters off the United States East Coast are getting saltier

A recent study co-led by WHOI found that the Azores High has expanded
dramatically in the past century, resulting from a warming climate due to a
rise in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. Researchers associated
with the study collect data inside the Buraca Gloriosa cave in western
Portugal, a site of the stalagmite hydroclimate proxy record. Image credit:
Diana Thatcher/ © Iowa State University

Scientists link the changing Azores High and the drying Iberian region to anthropogenic climate change

Northern shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus) actively feeding on a large swarm of crustaceans during dive 3 of the Deep Connections 2019 expedition. (Image courtesy of NOAA)

Squid Games

(Image courtesy of Deb Ehrens.)

Creating synergy through art and science

The M/V Bulk Xaymaca will work with WHOI’s Science RoCS program on its route between Jamaica and New Orleans, beginning this spring, to capture data such as the speed of ocean currents and the air temperature, humidity, and sea level pressure, which helps scientists forecast weather and understand climate changes. This route will provide observations in the Gulf of Mexico as it crosses the Loop Current and its rich ocean eddy field. Photo credit: Kerry Strom ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

WHOI & Pangaea Logistics Solutions to advance ocean science data acquisition through Science RoCS program

Gulf of Mexico surface waves forming in front of a sunset. Photo by Chris Linder
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

WHOI-led team awarded $7.6M to support Gulf of Mexico Loop Current research

A man with glasses and blonde hair holds a rectangular black box. His reflection can be seen opposite his face.

OCIA: Accelerating the pace of ocean-climate research