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Student Research

Oceanus Magazine

Powerful Currents in Deep-Sea Gorges

Powerful Currents in Deep-Sea Gorges

January 25, 2012

On my first major research cruise, the ship was hit by a hurricane. On the second, the weather was even worse. In one particularly nasty storm, I remember standing braced…

Between the Beach and the Deep Blue Sea

Between the Beach and the Deep Blue Sea

November 10, 2011

Capt. Ken Houtler laughed when I remarked that I didn’t know the sun rose this early as I boarded his ship last summer. Now climbing aboard again in January, I…

Where the Food Is in the Sea, and Why

Where the Food Is in the Sea, and Why

February 1, 2011

When you’re on a boat 50 miles south of Cape Cod on a calm day, the water around you may look flat and relatively featureless. A few hundred feet below,…

Mysteries at High Latitudes

Mysteries at High Latitudes

March 25, 2010

We were watching waves, Kjetil Våge and I, from the open transom on the research vessel Knorr. It was mid-October 2008 in the Irminger Sea, where nautical standards are different.…

What Makes the Great Ocean Currents Flow?

What Makes the Great Ocean Currents Flow?

December 23, 2008
Corralling the Wild and Wooly Southern Ocean

Corralling the Wild and Wooly Southern Ocean

September 11, 2008

Matt Mazloff fishes out a postcard. It’s a simulated aerial view of the bottom of the world, with Antarctica in the middle and the tips of South America, Australia, and…

Current Events off Antarctica

Current Events off Antarctica

March 15, 2007

The scientific method can divert researchers down curious pathways. Human psychologists study mouse brains. Astrophysicists look for cosmic particles deep in mine shafts. Taxonomists trace bird evolution by studying feather…