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r/v atlantis

In 2016, the research vessel Neil Armstrong replaced R/V Knorr, which the Institution has operated since 1970. Named for the American hero whose “small step” provided humanity with a new perspective on our planet, this vessel will carry on its namesake’s legacy of exploration. (Veronique LaCapra, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Researchers rely on sophisticated ships to get a firsthand look at the ocean environment and to carry their tools and instruments into it.

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News & Insights

The spread of plastics and oil in Sri Lanka from the wreck of M/V X-Press Pearl

On May 20, 2021, the cargo ship M/V X-Press Pearl caught fire off the coast of Sri Lanka. The container ship was carrying 78 metric tons of a material known as plastic nurdles. What happens now?

Gift enables new investments in ocean technologies

A grant from the Coleman and Susan Burke Foundation has allowed WHOI to make crucial investments in remote technology that enhance research innovation at sea. New video monitors aboard the R/V Neil Armstrong will allow scientists and crew to video conference throughout the ship or with colleagues on shore. The Burke Foundation also funded three projects making use of novel data streams from the Ocean Observatories Initiative and field test a wave-powered platform that enables remote communications with autonomous underwater vehicles.

Working from Home: Dante Cusolito

With some mechanical skills, foam board, and an oceanographic mind, Dante Cusolito found the perfect way to spend his time at home

WHOI Honors the 50th Anniversary of the Moonwalk

50 years ago, Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot on another world. Today the WHOI research vessel bearing his name carries on the legacy of exploration and discovery. R/V Neil Armstrong: one giant leap for the ocean.

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News Releases

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WHOI in the News

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From Oceanus Magazine

Five marine animals that call shipwrecks home

One man’s sunken ship is another fish’s home? Learn about five species that have evolved to thrive on sunken vessels

Go with the flow

Mike Singleton, relief captain, R/V Neil Armstrong describes the intricate dance of navigating ocean currents during scientific expeditions

Adapt or retreat:

No solution is off the table to prepare for sea level rise in Woods Hole

Gift enables new investments in ocean technologies

A grant from the Coleman and Susan Burke Foundation has allowed WHOI to make crucial investments in remote technology that enhance research innovation at sea. New video monitors aboard the R/V Neil Armstrong will allow scientists and crew to video conference throughout the ship or with colleagues on shore.

Students Get Their Sea Legs

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is known for its ocean-going research. But some incoming graduate students in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program may never have set foot a large research ship before. A new orientation cruise aboard the research vessel Neil Armstrong is introducing students to shipboard life and oceanographic research.