Program Agenda
Program Agenda
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Redfield Auditorium
Noon – 4:00 pm
Morss Colloquium on Hurricane Katrina and its Impacts on New Orleans
12:00 – 1:00 pm
“Pathogenic Vibrio species in Lake Pontchartrain
following Hurricane Katrina” Olivia Nigro, University of Hawaii
“Hurricane Katrina impact on the microbial water quality of Lake
Ponchartrain and New Orleans canals: Application of Real Time PCR and
IDEXX” Dr. Christopher Sinigalliano, Dr. Maribeth Gidley and Dr. Helena Solo-Gabriele, University of Miami
“Assessing the impact of
Hurricane Katrina on microbial water quality in Lake Pontchartrain for
fecal contamination and for indigenous pathogenic Vibrio
bacteria” Gayatri Vithanage and Dr. Roger Fujioka, University of
Environmental Health and Social Impact on the People Who Live and Work
in the Greater New Orleans Area” Dr. Lisa Pitman University of Miami
“Microbial Community
Change in Lake Pontchartrain after Hurricane Katrina” Mark
Dennett Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
1:00 – 1:10 pm
Dr. Laurence Madin Director of Research at WHOI
1:10 – 2:10 pm
Dr. Marc Levitan
Director, Louisiana State University Hurricane Center and Charles P.
Siess, Jr. Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering.
A 45
minute lecture will be followed by 15 minutes of questions. Moderator,
Dr. Rebecca J. Gast, WHOI
Dr. Marc Levitan has been actively engaged in wind and
hurricane engineering research, practice, and education for 20
years. His areas of research include analysis and design of
structures for hurricane re-sistance, wind and hurricane effects on
critical and essential facilities, storm shelters, and industrial and
petrochemical structures. He is the founding Director of the LSU
Hurricane Center and co-founder of the LSU Wind Tunnel
Laboratory. He chairs the ICC/NSSA Storm Shelter Standards
Committee and the ASCE Wind on Petrochemical Structures Task
Committee. Other national service includes the Wind Load
Subcommittee of ASCE 7, the ASCE Aerodynamics Committee, and the ASCE
Wind Effects Committee. He is President of the AAWE and chaired
the recent 10ACWE. The academic pursuits of Dr. Levitan are
structural engineering and engineering for natural hazards. Prior
to joining LSU, he spent five years as the first Managing Director of
the Wind Engineering Research Field Laboratory at Texas Tech University.
2:10 – 2:45 pm
Water Quality and Bacterial Communities in
Floodwaters Generated by
Hurricane Katrina
Dr. Michael LaMontagne and Brian Fry McNeese State University
30 minute presentation, panel question and answer period to follow next talk
2:45 – 3:15
Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Human Pathogens in Lake Pontchartrain
presentation of SGER data
30 minute presentation, followed by panel question and answer period
3:15 pm
4:00 pm