B.H. Ketchum Award Recipients
Dr. Don Anderson
May 10, 2017 - Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Award Lecture: "The New England Red Tide: a retrospective and synthesis of Alexandrium bloom dynamics and ecology"
Dr. Candace Oviatt
October 14, 2015 - Coastal and Estuarine Ecology
Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
Award Lecture: The Goldilocks Decision: Managed Nitrogen Reduction in Narragansett Bay
Dr. James Cloern
April 2010 - Estuarine Ecology
United States Geological Survey
Award Lecture: Complex Phytoplankton Patterns Where Land Meets Sea
Dr. Richard Garvine
November 2007 - Physical Oceanography
University of Delaware
Dr. John Farrington
October 2003 - Chemistry
Vice President for Academic Programs and Dean
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Award Lecture: A Concoction of Oil, Water, Mussels, and Mud in the "Bathtub Ring"
Dr. Nancy Rabalais
January 2002 - Biology
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Award Lecture: Mississippi River and Coastal Water Quality: Linking the Gulf of Mexico with the Continent
Dr. Willard Moore
June 1999 - Geology and Marine Science
University of South Carolina
Award Lecture: The Subterranean Estuary: An Unseen Component of the Coastal Ocean
Dr. Ronald Smith
November 1996 - Applied Mathematics
Loughborough University, UK
Award Lecture: Some Discharges are Better than Others: a theoretical approach to siting ocean outfalls
Dr. Christopher Martens
April 1995 - Coastal Biogeochemistry
University of North Carolina
Award Lecture: Biogeochemical Processes Controlling the Chemistry of Coastal Sediments
Dr. Scott Nixon
September 1992 - Coastal Ecology
University of Rhode Island
Award Lecture: Changing Nutrient Inputs and the History of Primary Productivity in Narragansett Bay
Dr. Daniel Lynch
September 1990 - Ocean Modelling
Dartmouth College
Award Lecture: The Computer Revolution and Ocean Sciences
Dr. William Boicourt
April 1989 - Physical Oceanography
University of Maryland
Award Lecture: Who will Preserve our Coastal Waters?
Dr. Alasdair McIntyre
June 1988 - Benthic Ecology
Aberdeen University (Emeritus)
Award Lecture: The Health of the Oceans
Dr. John S. Allen
October 1986 - Physical Oceanography
Oregon State University
Award Lecture: Large Scale Dynamics of the Coastal Ocean
Dr. Thomas H. Pearson
October 1985 - Benthic Ecology
Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory
Oban Argyl, Scotland
Award Lecture: Environmental Quality Problems of the Ocean
Dr. Michael Moore
October 1985 - Biochemistry
Institute for Marine Environmental Research (IMER)
Plymouth, United Kingdom
Award Lecture: Subcellular Responses of Marine Organisms to Pollutant Stress
Prof. Edward D. Goldberg
April 1984 - Geochemistry
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Award Lecture: Informational Needs for Waste Disposal