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Brochures & Publications

Research Publications

For over a century, the MBLWHOI Library has been the intellectual heart of the Woods Hole scientific community. Today the Library is internationally recognized as defining current trends and practices in marine information sciences and bioinformatics.

» Visit the MBLWHO Library for research publications by WHOI scientists
» Search Woods Hole publications from the MBLWHOI Library

Annual and Financial Reports

Research overview and highlights, letter from WHOI's Director and President, financial statements, and more.


Download PDF versions of most Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution brochures.

Special Reports

In depth look at subjects important to you.

Fact Sheets

One pagers about vehicles and hydrothermal vents and more.

Oceanus Magazine

Oceanus explores the oceans in depth, highlighting the research and researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in news, features, and interviews written by magazine staff, with full-color photographs and illustrations.

Woods Hole Currents

Woods Hole Currents is a 20-page publication, written for a lay audience. Each issue provides descriptions of oceanographic expeditions and lab accomplishments, profiles of WHOI people, and reports on Institution news. Woods Hole Currents published its last issue in 2004.

Ocean Explorer Magazine

Designed for students in grades 4-8, Ocean Explorer magazine combines compelling descriptions of ocean sciences with vivid images. The magazine is no longer in print but pdf versions are available for reprinting.

Email Newsletter Archive

Browse our past newsletters dated back to 2011.