Oceanus Online Archive
Sargassum serendipity
A surprise find connects MIT students working on solutions for a harmful algal bloom in the Caribbean
Read MoreWhy Indigenous perspectives matter in the climate conversation
Wampanoag Tribal Member Leslie Jonas talks WHOI, Native rights, and a timely partnership
Read MoreAn introduction to marsh bothering
A sea-level modeler plunges into fieldwork on Prince Edward Island
Read MoreWhen will Antarctica’s ice cliffs come crashing down?
Researchers challenge their own assumptions to improve sea-level rise predictions
Read MoreWhen it comes to albatross ‘divorce,’ climate isn’t the only issue
Personality can factor into lovebird split-ups in the southern Indian Ocean
Read MoreThe teetering balance of coastal CO2
WHOI scientists Matt Long and Aleck Wang explain the incredibly important role of coastal seagrasses and rivers in the global carbon cycle
Read More5 essential ocean-climate technologies
In the race to find solutions to our climate crisis, these marine tools help us get the data to make informed decisions
Read MoreSunlight and the fate of oil at sea
Danielle Haas Freeman draws on the language of chemistry to solve an oil spill puzzle
Read MoreIs sea-level rise exaggerated?
Physical oceanographer and sea-level rise expert Chris Piecuch says sea level is rising — and faster every year
Read MoreOcean acidification is no big deal, right?
WHOI’s Jennie Rheuban discusses the very real phenomenon of an increasingly acidic ocean and the toll it’s taking on marine life.
Read MoreAre we heading toward another Little Ice Age?
WHOI climate scientists sound off on the likelihood of ‘global cooling’
Read MoreMaking a splash on TikTok
Nate “The lumpfish guy” Spada brings ocean science to millions with amazing creatures and a sense of humor
Read MoreAn aquatic outbreak
Stony coral tissue loss disease continues devastating Caribbean reefs. Here’s what we know about it so far
Read MoreWaiting on the next freshwater flush
Could the unprecedented amounts of freshwater in the Beaufort Sea stall the current system that controls our climate? WHOI’s Isabela Le Bras weighs in.
Read MoreThe Power of Super Reefs
Working with the governments and scientists of several Pacific Island nations, the project’s first goal is to limit the impacts of pollution and fishing by expanding these countries’ marine protected areas (MPAs).
Read MoreEdie Widder: A light in the darkness
By sharing her fascination with the luminous deep, explorer, author, and conservationist Edie Widder sheds light on why it matters.
Read MoreWho is Alvin and what are sea trials?
If you like the deep sea and exploring for science, you’re going to love Alvin!
Read MoreA toxic double whammy for sea anemones
Exposure to both oil and sunlight can be harmful to sea anemones
Read MoreInvasive tunicates have shellfish farmers crying “foul”
As shellfish farmers struggle with invasive tunicate invasions, scientists are trying to gain insight into the thermal tolerances for these strange critters and determine where they might show up next
Read MoreHow to study an underwater earthquake from shore
Scientist Chris German on a successful AUV Sentry mission when the science team could not travel to sea
Read MoreMeet the Sentry Team: Justin Fujii
Research engineer Justin Fujii on working with autonomous underwater vehicle Sentry
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