How the Ocean Works
Deep-sea amphipod name inspired by literary masterpiece
Name pays tribute to Cervantes’ Don Quixote and reinforces themes of sweetness and beauty
Go with the flow
Mike Singleton, relief captain, R/V Neil Armstrong describes the intricate dance of navigating ocean currents…
Nature’s Language
Using applied math (and chalk) to understand the dynamic ocean
Ocean in Motion
How the ocean’s complex and chaotic physics defines life on our planet
Saving Tico
A manatee’s odyssey and the role of currents in marine mammal conservation
Can the twilight zone be fished responsibly?
As some nations eye the rich fishing grounds of the ocean’s mid-water, scientists investigate what…
Underwater Starfield
A swimmer’s encounter with creatures of the open ocean
The 10,000-foot view
WHOI's Tom Bell tracks changes to vulnerable coastal ecosystems with aerial imagery
The long journey of Bottle No. 71645
Drift bottle released in 1968 to study ocean currents found on Maine beach
The ocean currents behind Brazil’s pollution problem
South America's largest country reckons with both history and ocean currents in a recent spree…
Five big discoveries from WHOI’s Ocean Twilight Zone Project
Six years since it began, WHOI's Ocean Twilight Zone project brings new and exciting insights…
An open polar sea?
The once-romanticized notion of an ice-free Arctic comes full circle
A new way to discover life in the ocean’s hadal zone
WHOI biologist Johanna Weston develops a novel tool to catch and study life in the…
Our eyes on the seafloor
A Q&A with WHOI marine microbiologist Maria Pachiadaki on sampling the deep ocean with Jason
Record breakers
Find out how Antarctica's seven largest ice shelf collapses size up in this climate interactive
The Polar Imperative
WHOI researchers tackle big questions in a melting world
Happy Working in the Mud
Former MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Rachel Jakuba explains how her passion for chemistry lead to…
The pull of the poles
Researchers discuss their work at the ends of the earth
A cold case, filed
A year after East Antarctica’s Conger ice shelf collapsed, an expert uses forensic evidence to…
Will the Gulf Stream really shut down?
WHOI physical oceanographer Robert Todd weighs in
Unlocking the Earth’s time capsule
Mantle rocks and fluids from one of the final expeditions on the R/V JOIDES Resolution…
The anatomy of ice
Explore the beauty and science behind Greenland's glaciers through this images from photographer Roger Fishman
A cozy crusade
The mittens of Arctic explorer Matthew Henson tell the story of hope and determination
Filming in the Arctic Night
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of the Emmy-nominated PBS film, Life in The Dark: The…