Ocean Life
On the crumbling edge
The race to ensure protection for the emperor penguin across the world
Tracking dispersal of baby fish for better reef conservation
To improve marine protected areas, WHOI scientists study the traffic patterns of juvenile reef fish
The hypoxic reef
Scientists say a lack of oxygen might be stressing tropical reefs even more than warming…
A bed of roses in the ocean
Flower-shaped corals blossoming off the island of Tahiti offer hope for reefs
Waves of inspiration
Rachael Talibart explores the infinite creativity of wave photography
Sniffing out methane in the deep sea
Scientists cruise the Gulf of California’s Guaymas Basin to test out new tech for detecting…
Coral time machines
Sophie Hines discusses the paleo-research power of fossil corals
An ocean of opportunity
Ocean experts explore the potential risks and rewards of ocean-based solutions to climate change
A curious robot is poised to rapidly expand reef research
WHOI scientists with the Coral Catalyst Team are leveraging a new, artificially intelligent robot to…
A coral reef kickstart
WHOI's Reef Solutions Initiative takes a multi-disciplinary approach to investigate solutions for ailing coral reefs
Five times the ocean helped us learn about the human body
For people studying the human body, big ideas can sometimes come in small, briny packages
Burrows on the beach
Rebuilding after a hurricane isn’t easy—especially for those pale, stalk-eyed creatures known as ghost crabs
Whale Safe
For Mark Baumgartner, Whale Safe is the natural evolution of WHOI’s work with passive acoustics
Five marine living fossils you should know about
After living for millions of years, these species may have mastered evolution in our ocean
Speaking in colors
How squid use a dazzling array of colors and body patterns to make friends, fend…
Fascinating facts about emperor penguins
We might chuckle at the sight of penguins waddling over ice, but these flightless birds…
Keeping an ear out for entangled whales
To help mitigate the impacts of illegal fishing off the Sicilian coast, a WHOI scientist…
A dragnet for toxic algae?
To keep a close eye on harmful algal blooms, shellfish farmers are relying on a…
Life at Rock Bottom
This digital photo essay brings you the forms, figures, and facts of life more than…
Experts Explore the Edges
Daniel P. Zitterbart Assistant Scientist, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering In my group, we use…
Falling in love with deep-sea parasites
At hydrothermal vents there are body-snatchers, intestinal hitchhikers, and chest-bursters, but something about them is…
Five things to know about NOAA’s 2021 Tech Demo
Researchers prepare WHOI’s autonomous underwater vehicle, Orpheus for its first deep dive of 2021Tech Demo.