Evan Lubofsky
Evan Lubofsky is a science writer and editor at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
After studying journalism at UMass Amherst, he began writing about sensor and instrumentation technologies, eventually working with ocean scientists to tell stories about coral reef ecology, estuarine studies, and other areas of research. He was a 2015 WHOI Ocean Science Journalism Fellow, and his work has appeared in Smithsonian, WIRED, The Verge, Mental Floss, Hakai Magazine, and Frontiers in Ecology among other publications.
Coral time machines
Sophie Hines discusses the paleo-research power of fossil corals
The story of “Little Alvin” and the lost H-bomb
How the famed submersible found a lost hydrogen bomb in the Mediterranean Sea during the…
Burrows on the beach
Rebuilding after a hurricane isn’t easy—especially for those pale, stalk-eyed creatures known as ghost crabs
Speaking in colors
How squid use a dazzling array of colors and body patterns to make friends, fend…
Keeping an ear out for entangled whales
To help mitigate the impacts of illegal fishing off the Sicilian coast, a WHOI scientist…
A dragnet for toxic algae?
To keep a close eye on harmful algal blooms, shellfish farmers are relying on a…
Spock versus the volcano
Five hundred meters below the calm surface waters of the Aegean Sea off Santorini Island,…
Secrets in the dust
Scientists mine ancient dust from the ocean’s loneliest spot
The ocean has heartburn. Is relief on the way?
Researchers investigate the use of alkalinity enhancement to quell ocean acidification and help maintain the…
A new ocean soundscape
Combining his passions for marine chemistry and music, an MIT-WHOI Joint Program student converts data…
From Mars to the deep
Navigation technology that helped NASA’s Perseverance rover land safely on Mars could guide robots in…
Microbial Methane – New Fuel for Ocean Robots?
Researchers are developing on an energy harvesting platform that converts marine methane to electricity. The…
Can icebergs be towed to water-starved cities?
The big tow Researchers have floated the idea of long-distance iceberg towing for decades.
Unicorns of the Arctic face a new potential threat
Narwhals and other marine mammals could be vulnerable to a new threat we’ve become all…
‘High-octane’ hurricane fuel swirls in the Gulf of Mexico
Researchers deploy an arsenal of underwater floats to monitor the Loop Current—one of the Atlantic…
Investigating the ocean’s influence on Australia’s drought
Researchers look to the Indian Ocean for clues on how Australia’s blazing wildfires and bone-dry…
Hunger in the Arctic prompts focus on causes, not symptoms
As Arctic Inuit communities try to cope with extreme food insecurity, researchers look for answers
5 Questions with Dr. Amala Mahadevan
WHOI physical oceanographer sheds light on the climate-critical link between ocean currents and plankton
A Sea of Hazards
How ocean scientists are working to safeguard us from the perils of a changing ocean
Putting the ‘nuclear coffin’ in perspective
WHOI chemist and marine radioactivity expert shares his thoughts about radioactivity waste leaking from Runit…
Can seismic data mules protect us from the next big one?
Researchers look to new seafloor earthquake detection systems for better detection and warning of seismic…
Mining ancient dust from the ocean’s loneliest spot
Researchers investigate dust from the ocean’s farthest point from land to reconstruct the climactic history…
Sea Ahead
Once upon a time, ocean scientists hung up cans on up a tree on Bikini…