WHOI in the News
DEAD POOL Terrifying ‘Jacuzzi of Despair’ will kill anything that swims in it
The Sun
quotes Scott Wankel and mentions WHOI
Experts: Fish die-off on Cape Cod Bay beaches not unusual
Cape Cod Times
mentions WHOI
The Real Deadpool: Deep-Sea Lake of Destruction
Nature World News
quotes Scott Wankel and mentions WHOI
Woods Hole Researchers Studying Hydrothermal Vents On The Floor Of Yellowstone Lake
National Parks Traveler (blog)
mentions Chris Linder and WHOI
WHOI Study Shows Warmer Waters Affecting Phytoplankton
mentions Heidi Sosik and WHOI
Study shows temperatures rising in Yellowstone Lake vents
Salt Lake Tribune
mentions Rob Sohn and WHOI
Great White Shark Passing By Bermuda Again
quotes Simon Thorrold and mentions WHOI
Waterways Remain Closed To Shellfishing
The Falmouth Enterprise
quotes Hauke Kite-Powell and mentions WHOI
New Findings Reported From Yellowstone Lake Robot
Yellowstone Insider
quotes Rob Sohn and mentions WHOI
Temperatures from Yellowstone Lake vents hit new high
Billings Gazette
quotes Rob Sohn and mentions WHOI
Warming Triggers Early Algae Blooms, Potential Ripple Effects to Come
Inside Climate News
quotes Heidi Sosik and mentions WHOI
Local Scientists Head Out To Sea To Study Effects Of Hurricane Hermine
CBS - WBZ TV 4 Boston
features Glen Gawarkiewicz and Robert Todd
MassCEC funds installation of WINDCUBE Lidar
mentions WHOI
Researchers track effects of changing ocean temperature on phytoplankton
quotes Kristen Hunter-Cervera and Heidi Sosik
MassCEC funds installation of Lidar
WindTech International
mentions WHOI
For Gordon Hamilton, a Life of Discovery and Danger
The New York Times
quotes Fiamma Straneo and mentions WHOI
WHOI Deploys New Technology To Measure Wind Speeds At Turbine Height
The Falmouth Enterprise
mentions Anthony R. Kirincich and WHOI
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Teams Up on Coral Study
mentions WHOI
Changing Ocean Temperature Forces Phytoplanktons to Bloom 4 Weeks Earlier Than Usual
Nature World News
quotes Kristen Hunter-Cevera and mentions WHOI
The coral – microbe connection
quotes Amy Apprill and mentions WHOI
WHOI To Partner With Town To Update Iselin Dock
The Falmouth Enterprise
quotes Rob Munier and mentions WHOI
Exploring Vast “Submerged America” Discovered 500 Bubbling Methane Vents
Eurasia Review
mentions Yogesh Girdhar and WHOI
Massachusetts robotics companies employed 4,700 workers and generated $1.6 billion in revenue
Robotics & Automation News
mentions WHOI
Explorer Robert Ballard, speaking in Tuscaloosa, sees bright future
Tuscaloosa News
mentions WHOI