WHOI in the News
Art-Science Synergy at Work in the Tropical Pacific
quotes Mak Saito and mentions WHOI
Containing Fukushima’s radioactive water may be 9-year fight
mentions Ken Buesseler and WHOI
Five Years After Fukushima, Ocean Radiation Poses Little Risk to U.S.
quotes Ken Buesseler from Reddit AMA and mentions WHOI
UMass Dartmouth marine scientist deciphering the mysteries of Buzzards Bay
mentions WHOI
Fukushima Site Still Leaking After 5 Years
quotes Ken Buesseler and mentions WHOI
Drones check out whale health from above
quotes Michael Moore and mentions WHOI
Understanding sea ice retreat
article by Gwen Schanker
mentions Jeff Donnelly and WHOI
New Suspected MH370 Debris Shows Role of Air Crash Sleuths
quotes Dave Gallo and mentions WHOI
New video released of rare whales off Madagascar
mentions Salvatore Cerchio and WHOI
Upper Cape news briefs: WHOI Ship Arrival
mentions WHOI and R/V Neil Armstrong
The Lingering Effects of Fukushima on Fish
quotes Ken Buesseler and mentions WHOI
With Fukushima’s fifth anniversary approaching, we can probably start to relax about radioactive seafood
quotes Ken Buesseler and mentions WHOI
Changing Outlook for Those With Cystic Fibrosis
features interview with Tracy Mincer and mentions WHOI
New theory of deep-ocean sound waves may aid tsunami detection
mentions WHOI
Inside the Sentry AUV that will search El Faro wreck
mentions WHOI and AUV Sentry
Diving deep for El Faro
mentions Carl Kaiser, WHOI and AUV Sentry
WHOI Social Media Contests Focus on Ocean
mentions #SpeakForTheOcean and #OneGiantLeap contests
Monday’s business agenda – Marine robotics
mentions WHOI
Falmouth Academy Students Presented 165 Projects At Science Fair
mentions WHOI
Analysis of Microbe Metabolism Could Reveal Clues about Atmosphere
mentions Mak Saito and WHOI
Role of chaos in deep ocean turned upside down
quotes Jim Ledwell and mentions WHOI
The seas are rising fast – and even faster in Mass.
mentions Jeff Donnelly and WHOI
What’s that mysterious underwater hum? Possibly fish gas.
quotes Dave Gallo and mentions WHOI
Is this America’s future? Shocking images show how national icons could be submerged by a 25 foot sea level rise within a few centuries
mentions Jeff Donnelly and WHOI