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WHOI Receives $1 Million Gift to Encourage Innovation in Technology

November 17, 2006

A longtime Osterville resident who loved the oceans and supported the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for more than four decades before he died in 2005 has left a $1 million gift to the Institution.

The funds will be used for years […]

Sea Urchin Genome Yields New Understanding of “Chemical Defensome”

November 13, 2006

The Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing Consortium, a group of 240 researchers from more than 70 institutions in 11 countries, recently announced the sequencing of the California purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus.

Four WHOI Researchers Recognized for Contributions to Science and Engineering

November 9, 2006

Four researchers have been recognized by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) for their contributions to ocean sciences research and engineering. All will receive funding provided by the endowed awards to support their research over periods of three to five […]

Mercury and Fish

November 6, 2006

WHOI scientists and colleagues at the University of Connecticut have found the first connection between mercury levels in freshwater fish and atmospheric mercury pollution, most of which is derived from fossil fuel combustion.  By comparing results from large databases for […]

Picture Perfect Plankton

November 6, 2006

The Large Area Plankton Imaging System, or LAPIS, is providing biologists with a new tool to study plankton to depths of 500 meters (1,640 feet). Until now, fragile gelatinous animals have been damaged or destroyed by nets, which animals can […]

Colossal Corer

November 6, 2006

A 50-meter (165-foot) long coring system nearing completion at WHOI will enable paleoceanographers to reconstruct past climates back tens of millions of years and expand the coring capabilities of the U.S. academic research fleet.  The Institution’s 279-foot research vessel Knorr, […]

Beaked Whales Perform Extreme Dives to Hunt Deepwater Prey

October 19, 2006

A study of ten beaked whales of two poorly understood species shows they dive much deeper and longer than reported for any other air-breathing species, a finding of particular interest since beaked whales stranded during naval sonar exercises have been reported to have symptoms of decompression sickness.

Harmful Algal Bloom (Red Tide) Models and Forecasts to be Expanded in Gulf of Maine

October 16, 2006

A new observation and modeling program focused on the southern Gulf of Maine and adjacent New England shelf waters could aid policymakers in deciding whether or not to re-open, develop, and manage offshore shellfish beds with potential sustained harvesting value […]

Lessons from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Topic of Public Forum

October 16, 2006

How coastal communities manage risks associated with major tsunamis is an issue of global importance following the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami that killed an estimated 200,000 people and caused billions of dollars in damage in 11 nations. The issue […]

Antique Whale Oil Provides Insights to Origin of Pre-Industrial Chemicals

October 12, 2006

One of the last remaining New England whaling ships has provided unexpected insights into the origin of halogenated organic compounds (HOCs) that have similar chemical and physical properties as toxic PCBs and the pesticide DDT.  HOCs are found everywhere and […]

Rapid Sea Level Rise in the Arctic Ocean May Alter Views of Human Migration

October 11, 2006

Scientists have found new evidence that the Bering Strait near Alaska flooded into the Arctic Ocean about 11,000 years ago, about 1,000 years earlier than widely believed, closing off the land bridge thought to be the major route for human […]

Digital Tags Provide Evidence that Narwhals May Produce Signature Vocalizations for Communication

September 28, 2006

Scientists have found preliminary evidence that narwhals, Arctic whales whose spiraled tusks gave rise to the myth of the unicorn, produce signature vocalizations that may facilitate individual recognition or their reunion with more distant group members.

Ari Shapiro, a graduate student […]

ABE Joins Alvin and Jason at Sea

September 1, 2006

The Autonomous Benthic Explorer, ABE, one of the first autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to routinely work in the deep ocean, has joined the U.S. National Deep Submergence Facility, providing ocean scientists with a full range of tools to explore the […]

Tracking Killer Whales with Technology

September 1, 2006

WHOI researchers will use a small, non-invasive piece of technology, the digital archival tag or D-tag, in November to tag free-ranging killer whales in northern Norway. The researchers will record the sounds and movements of these animals as part of […]

Propane-producing Bacteria Found on the Seafloor

September 1, 2006

Scientists from the University of Bremen in Germany and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and have found microorganisms in buried sediment on the ocean floor producing abundant supplies of the gases propane and ethane. In a report published online this […]

Gliders Are Changing the Way Ocean Observations are Made

August 31, 2006

A fleet of gliders from WHOI’s Autonomous Systems Laboratory is quietly monitoring the ocean near Monterery Bay, California as part of a month-long experiment to learn more about ocean conditions that support rich fisheries and abundant marine life. But a […]

Island Ferries Take on Role of Research Vessels Collecting Data about Nantucket Sound

August 29, 2006

Ferries that connect Cape Cod and the islands of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket are taking on another role – research vessels.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) biologist Scott Gallager and colleagues have installed a package of sensors on the 235-foot freight […]

A First Responder on the Ocean Floor

August 1, 2006

The Towed Digital Camera and Multi-Rock Coring System, or TowCam, was developed by scientists and engineers at WHOI to meet the U.S. oceanographic community’s need for an imaging and sampling system with both routine and rapid-response capabilities.  TowCam was recenly […]

Natural Petroleum Seeps Offer Clues to the Past and the Future

August 1, 2006

Just a half mile off California’s coast near Santa Barbara, and in coastal areas around the world, natural petroleum seeps are releasing an astonishing amount of methane gas and oil into the environment each year—much more than accidental oil spills […]

Undersea Vehicles to Study Formation of Gold and Other Precious Metals On the Pacific Ocean Floor

July 14, 2006

An international team of scientists will explore the seafloor near Papua New Guinea in the western Pacific Ocean later this month with remotely operated and autonomous underwater vehicles, investigating active and inactive hydrothermal vents and the formation of mineral deposits […]