WHOI in the News
Seafloor maps provide new information about 2015 eruption at Axial Seamount
mentions WHOI and AUV Sentry
Nereid HT, underwater robot master of the deep
quotes Andy Bowen and WHOI
features Nereid HT
MBARI’s seafloor maps provide new information about 2015 eruption at Axial Seamount
mentions AUV Sentry and WHOI
Top 10 censored stories of 2015-16: Rising carbon dioxide levels threaten to permanently disrupt vital ocean bacteria
mentions WHOI
MBARI’s seafloor maps provide new information about 2015 eruption at Axial Seamount
mentions WHOI and AUV Sentry
No risk seen from Fukushima ‘fingerprint’ on US West Coast
quotes Ken Buesseler and mentions WHOI
New studies take a second look at coral bleaching culprit
quotes Colleen Hansel and Amy Apprill
A big critter in the Big Apple: Humpback whale in Hudson
mentions WHOI
Fukushima radiation reaches United States shores for first time
quotes Ken Buesseler and mentions WHOI
New Study Takes Another Look at Coral Bleaching Offender
mentions Colleen Hansel and WHOI
Tagging study of gray seals could cost a half million dollars
quotes Andrea Bogolmoni and mentions WHOI
Radiation from Fukushima disaster reaches the US
quotes Ken Buesseler and mentions WHOI
Fukushima radiation has reached U.S. shores
mentions Ken Buesseler and WHOI
Radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster detected on Oregon shores
mentions WHOI
Underwater Vehicles Follow Tagged Turtles in the Wild
features Any Kukulya and Kara Dodge
A new underwater robot captured eerie, high-def scenes from sunken ship
mentions WHOI
Fukushima radiation has reached U.S. shores
quotes Ken Buesseler and mentions WHOI
Tar Balls, the Beach’s Fossil-Fuel Flowers
features Chris Reddy and Dave Valentine
Oceanography: Shark Shakedown
quotes Simon Thorrold and mentions WHOI
Watch a leatherback turtle chow down like Pac-Man as it makes its way through the ocean
features Amy Kukulya, Kara Dodge and TurtleCam
How scientists are saving whales by listening to the ocean
quotes Mark Baumgartner and mentions WHOI
Humpback whales ‘talk’ with each other from more than 2 miles away by slapping messages on the water
quotes Aran Mooney and mentions WHOI
mentions WHOI
Searching for Lost Knowledge in the Age of Intelligent Machines
quotes Brendan Foley and mentions WHOI