WHOI in the News
DAVID SUZUKI: Citizens amplify knowledge about the natural world
mentions Ken Buesseler and WHOI
also ran in the Epoch Times
MIT-developed system allows robots to plan underwater missions autonomously
mentions WHOI
California Drought Leaves Biopharma Thirsty for Answers
mentions Kevin Anchukaitis and WHOI
Analysis of Internal Waves in the Earth’s Oceans Could Help Improve Global Climate Models
quotes Tim Duda and mentions WHOI
Engineers hand “cognitive” control to underwater robots
MIT news release mentions WHOI
also picked up by R&D Magazine and Environmental News Network
Eight MIT students accept 2015 Fulbright grants
mentions guest student Kelly Heber Dunning and WHOI
Science in your hands
mentions WHOI and citizen science
Securing supply of sea scallops for today and tomorrow
reprint of WHOI news release featuring Scott Doney
also picked up by Phys.org
More than majestic, fjords are carbon-sequestration superstars
mentions WHOI
New Study Says Frozen Fjords Hold 11% of Oceanic Carbon
mentions WHOI
Study of Giant South China Sea Internal Waves Provides First-Ever View of Their Entire Life Cycle
mentions WHOI
Two-hundred Years of Cuban Coral Arrives in Santa Cruz
mentions Konrad Hughen and WHOI
mentions WHOI
It’s going swimmingly for submersible robots
quotes James Bellingham
Advances in robotics have potential in offshore oil and gas
quotes Jim Bellingham and mentions WHOI
An answer to litter over a cup of coffee
quotes Jeffrey Brodeur and WHOI
Scientists Listen For Whales And Fish In The Northwest Atlantic Ocean
mentions WHOI
OTC15: Day one roundup
quotes Jim Bellingham and WHOI
USN Announces 2015 Young Investigators
Hyodae Seo announced as a recipient of the 2015 Young Investigator Program
story also ran in: Sea Power Magazine and Product Design & Development
Best state in America: California, for its water conservation efforts
mentions WHOI
Earth and Environmental Sciences Professor researches gulf oil spill
mentions WHOI
Listening for whales and fish in the Northwest Atlantic ocean
mentions WHOI
WHOI Scientists Seek To Pinpoint Hurricane Intensity
mentions Glen Gawarkiewicz and Steven Jayne
Ocean bacteria get ‘pumped up’
reprint of WHOI news release featuring the work of Bethanie Edwards and Ben Van Mooy