WHOI in the News
Fukushima radiation has reached North American shores
Statesman Journal
quotes Ken Buesseler
Fukushima Contamination Detected at Shoreline in British Columbia
Daily Kos
First trace of Fukushima radioactivity detected off B.C.
CTV News Vancouver
quotes Ken Buesseler
WHOI, Cape Abilities collaboration to continue
Cape Cod Times
quotes Rob Evans
Costs more than environmental when fuel spills
Cape Cod Times
by Chris Reddy
Swirling currents deliver phytoplankton carbon to ocean depths
Science Codex
ran the WHOI news release featuring Amala Mahadevan’s work
Spring Plankton Bloom Hitches A Ride On Ocean Eddies
Science 2.0
ran WHOI news release
Cape Abilities Teams Up Again with WHOI
quotes Rob Evans and mentions WHOI
Region tackles ocean acidity
Gloucester Times
mentions WHOI
Antarctica hits 63 degrees, believed to be a record
mentions WHOI
Microbial diversity throughout ice sheet melt season
mentions WHOI
Migrating Whales Return to Our Waters
WCAI - The Point
radio interview featuring Michael Moore
Forget the sharks: Another danger may lurk in coastal waters
mentions WHOI
Swirling Currents Deliver Phytoplankton Carbon to Ocean Depths
Hydro International
mentions Amala Mahadevan and WHOI
Spring plankton bloom hitches ride to sea’s depths on ocean eddies
Terra Daily
quotes Amala Mahadevan and mentions WHOI
Cape Cod Community College Hosting STEM Journey Event
mentions David Gallo is a speaker at the event
World’s Largest Collection of Whale Sounds Now Available to Public
radio news piece on Bill Watkins’ whale sounds now available at The New Bedford Whaling Museum
New England states following a model set by Maine to reduce ocean acidity
New England states unite to combat ocean pollution
The Providence Journal
mentions WHOI
Research links two millennia of cyclones, floods, El Nino
Science Daily
pick up of Cornell College news release mentioning Caroline Ummenhofer and WHOI
Swirling currents deliver phytoplankton carbon to ocean depths
uotes Amala Mahadevan
Scientists use ‘missile’ to study volcanoes
Radio New Zealand
mentions Sentry vehicle and WHOI
Ice-tethered devices to collect more data on the Arctic Ocean
quotes John Toole
Greenwich’s Bruce Museum Introduces Permanent Deep Sea Exhibit
Greenwich Daily Voice
quotes Kathy Patterson and mentions WHOI