WHOI in the News
Changing the Deadly Collision Course Between Ships & Whales
editorial by Michael Moore
Sudden draining of glacial lakes explained
quotes Sarah Das, Laura Stevens
Breach heals on Martha’s Vineyard barrier beach
quotes Greg Berman and mentions WHOI
Sentinels of the seas
mentions WHOI
Antikythera Shipwreck Approved for Additional Excavation
mentions WHOI
9 Staggeringly Beautiful Photos to Celebrate World Oceans Day
quoted WHOI
Riddle Of Resilience: Coral Reefs In Palau Thrive Under Acidification
quotes Anne Cohen and mentions WHOI
Hybrid ROV-AUV Technology Could Aid Oil, Gas in Remote Offshore Ops
quotes Andy Bowen and mentions WHOI
Making Organic Molecules in Hydrothermal Vents in the Absence of Life
ran WHOI news release featuring Jill McDermott and Chris German
also picked up by Phys.Org
Cuba: A society of engineers
Features Amy Apprill
WHOI Scientist Awarded Major Navy Grant
quotes Hyodae Seo and mentions WHOI
Greek Archaeological Body Approves New 5-year Excavation at Antikythera
mentions Brendan Foley and WHOI
Mystery Of Greenland’s Vanishing Lakes Finally Solved
quotes Laura Stevens and mentions WHOI
Scientists solve mystery of disappearing glacial lake
mentions Laura Stevens and WHOI
Diverse coral communities persist, but bioerosion escalates in Palau’s low-pH waters
ran the WHOI news release that features Hannah Barkley, Anne Cohen
As ships approach, blue whales don’t know what to do
mentions WHOI
U.S. researchers uncover secret of Greenland’s vanishing lakes
quotes Laura Stevens and mentions WHOI
Mystery of Greenland’s disappearing lakes solved: Scientists say giant cracks caused 11 BILLION gallons of water to vanish in 90 minutes
mentions Laura Stevens and WHOI
Scientists solve bizarre ‘disappearing lakes’ mystery
quotes Laura Stevens and mentions WHOI
pick up from Live Science article
Mystery of Greenland’s ‘Disappearing Lakes’ Solved
quotes Laura Stevens
mentions Sarah Das and WHOI
Sudden draining of glacial lakes explained
pick up of WHOI news release featuring Laura Stevens, Jeff McGuire, Mark Behn and Sarah Das
Woods Hole Scientists to Study Critical Plankton Species
mentions WHOI
Students aboard Corwith Cramer prepare for monthlong journey
mentions WHOI
Scientists finally have an explanation for why huge lakes atop Greenland are vanishing
quotes Laura Stevens and mentions WHOI