HAB news from the daily print media:
1997 articles
- US Pours Money, Expertise Into Halting Lethal 'Blooms' (October 8, 1997)
1998 articles
- Algae Blooms a growing threat February 12, 1998)
- Sick reefs, shores taking human toll (February 17, 1998)
- From the congressional briefing (Feb-Mar 1998)
- A drink for the El Nino (March 10, 1998)
- Algae problems attract attention in Washington (May 24, 1998)
- More fish kills likely this summer (May 26, 1998)
- Press release: $6.3 Million Federal Grant Funds Pfiesteria Research (August 19, 1998)
- Researcher says U.S. seafood safe from Pfiesteria (September 22, 1998)
- Flap over fish lesions (September 23, 1998)
- Pfiesteria still baffles researchers (September 23, 1998)
1999 articles
- Sea Grant Study Finds Increased Atmospheric Nitrogen In North Atlantic Ocean
Basin May Be Stimulating Blooms (June 29, 1999)
- Die-Offs Affecting Long Island Lobsters, Maine Urchins, Florida
Dolphins (November, 1999)
2000 articles
- 2 Coastal Pollution Articles (April 4-5, 2000)
- Whales Are at Risk from Climate Change (July 13, 2000)
- Chemical removal of PSP from shellfish (September 13, 2000)
2001 articles
- Prorocentrum minimum bloom - Texas (January 11, 2001)
- New report examines causes and impacts of harmful algal blooms in
u.s. waters (February 22, 2001)
- New approaches needed to fight coastal pollution (March 6, 2001)
2002 articles
- Red tide could recede (July 9, 2002)
1997 articles
- Detection of Pfiesteria Blooms in North Carolina (July 18, 1997)
- "Cell from Hell" - US News and World Report Article (July 28, 1997)
- Research team on trail of key Pfiesteria toxin (August 27, 1997)
- Dead Clams Mystify Researchers (September 20, 1997)
- Officials criticize media coverage of pfiesteria (October 12, 1997)
- Awards, Shellfish Warnings, and Hog Waste Spills (December 10, 1997)
- Researchers Link Pfiesteria Toxins to Impaired Learning Ability in Rats (December 21, 1997)
1998 articles
- Year's first big fish kill; Officials await tests (July 28, 1998)
- First big fish kill of summer reported in Neuse River (July 29, 1998)
- Microbe killing fish in North Carolina; river closings on horizon (July 29, 1998)
- USDA proposes program to fight Pfiesteria (August 6, 1998)
1999 articles
- Neuse River Fish Kill (May 22, 1999)
2000 articles
- Pfiesteria? (October 25, 2000)
Pfiesteria-like organism along Central Florida Atlantic Coast:
1998 articles
- A fish kill mystery (March 19, 1998)
- Fish lesions spark concern in central Florida (March 20, 1998)
- Growing fish kill blamed on tiny algae (March 20, 1998)
- Man fears his sores; Mullet linked (March 21, 1998)
- Ponds Plan wins over Chairwoman (March 26, 1998)
- Cooperation urged for clean-up of St. Lucie River (March 26, 1998)
- Lesion on lip isn't Herpes, testing shows (March 27, 1998)
- Officials renew sick-fish warnings (March 28, 1998)
- Dearth of plankton, death to other species? (March 29, 1998)
- Residents see St. Lucie, indian rivers spoiled (March 29, 1998)
- Who monitors the water (March 29, 1998)
- Decades of abuse flow on (March 29, 1998)
- States join forces in fish probe (March 30, 1998)
- Fish may taint home sales (March 31, 1998)
- Rash of bird deaths sends scientists to their labs (April 3, 1998)
- Fishing at inlet called worst in many years (April 6, 1998)
- New fish horror story; a toxic marine algae has been linked to bloodylesions (April 7, 1998)
- Biologist probes for keys to sick fish (April 8, 1998)
- Sick Fish from the ocean starting to cause concern among anglers (April 8, 1998)
- Mystery illness plagues birds (April 13, 1998)
- Expert: sick fish not new (April 21, 1998)
- Foley goes on cruise to inspect river water (April 21, 1998)
- Pace frenetic at temporary sick-fish office (April 23, 1998)
- Doubters now believe fisherman (April 26, 1998)
- Area's sick waters interest doctor (April 27, 1998)
- Doctor says illness related to fish kill (April 30, 1998)
- 16 report illnesses related to sick fish (May 2, 1998)
- Estuary to be retested for toxic matter (May 7, 1998)
- S.C. task force ready if Pfiesteria breaks out (May 8, 1998)
- Sick fish tide now a trickle (May 10, 1998)
- Focus of fish kill research questioned (May 10, 1998)
- FIsh kills in rivers fail to dampen upcoming festival in Fort Pierce (May 15, 1998)
- Experts: data from rivers ok (May 16, 1998)
- More questions than answers about sick fish (May 19, 1998)
- Confusion reigns over safety of river water (May 24, 1998)
- Tests to find water illness inconclusive (June 24, 1998)
- Sick fish; St. Johns will be tested for microbes (July 24, 1998)
1999 articles
- Florida's Harmful Algae Blooms Threaten Human Health? (February 26, 1999)
1997 articles
- Boaters sought to sample Gulf of Mexico for Red Tide Study (August 11, 1997)
- Manatees at Risk (August 21, 1997)
- 9 Manatee Deaths in Lee County linked to Red Tide
- Red Tide Culprit in Manatee Deaths (December 11, 1997)
- 16 dead manatees found (December 10, 1997)
- Shellfish harvesting at clam farms halted (December 26, 1997)
1998 articles
- Manatees get new safe haven (January 6, 1998)
- Manatee death toll: 240 (January 6, 1998)
- Manatee death rates surpass births
- Researchers try to predict red-tide strikes (September 14, 1998)
1999 articles
- Unusual red tide bloom chases swimmers from Panhandle beach (September 14, 1999)
- Florida Red Tides (September 27, 1999)
- Dolphin deaths prompt close watch of red tide (November 29, 1999)
- Red tide suspected in Panhandle dolphin deaths (December 17, 1999)
- Dead fish pile up on southwest shorelines; red tide
suspected (December 29, 1999)
2000 articles
- Manatees and Recent Red Tide (March 7, 2000)
- Florida red tide may drift eastward (September 26, 2000)
2001 articles
- Toxic algae threatens wildlife in Tampa Bay (November 1, 2001)
2002 articles
- Lifeguards take the lead in red tide study (May 9, 2002)
2003 articles
- Toxic Red Tide Kills 60 Florida Manatees (April 17, 2003)
2004 articles
- Report: Manatees Red Tide Victims (January 3, 2004)
- Dolphin Die-Off (March 12, 2004)
- Dolphins' deaths are investigated (March 19, 2004)
- Red Tide May Have Killed 97 Dolphins (March 28, 2004)
- Dolphin death toll hits 105 in Panhandle (March 31, 2004)
- Dolphin deaths still a mystery (April 2, 2004)
- Dolphin Deaths in Florida Panhandle - Stomach Contents Contain High Levels of Brevetoxin
- Interim Report on the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Unusual Mortality Event Along the Panhandle of Florida March-April 2004
- Researchers: Conditions Ripe for Red Tide (July 15, 2004)
- Bad tidings (July 17, 2004)
1997 articles
- Red Tide Killing Fish along San Jose Island, Texas (September 25, 1997)
- Ban on shellfish pushed southward in wake of red tide (September 30, 1997)
- As red tide spreads south, shellfish ban goes with it (September 30, 1997)
- Time to turn the tide (October 3, 1997)
- Red tide leaving trail of dead fish on Texas beaches (October 4, 1997)
- Red tide kills fish in S. Texas again (October 5, 1997)
- Red tides, 'dead zones' harbingers for Gulf Coast (October 7, 1997)
- Scientists seek answers to solve red tide puzzle (October 7, 1997)
- Red Tide Algae Kills Fish (October 16, 1997)
1998 articles
- Red tide may be a killer we must learn to live with (January 5, 1998)
1999 articles
- Red tide in South Padre Island area (October 4 and 5, 1999)
2000 articles
- Red tide in South Padre Island area (July 5, 2000)
- Red tide affects Gulf fish, officials say (August 17, 2000)
- Red tide update, August 25, 2000
- Red tide update, August 28, 2000
- Red tide update, August 30, 2000
- Red tide update, September 21, 2000
- Minor red tide bloom found in Corpus Christi Bay (September 21, 2000)
- Red tide strikes area waters, could kill fish, official says (September 24, 2000)
- Red tide spreading along Texas Gulf Coast (September 25, 2000)
- Large bloom of red tide reported by state officials (September 25, 2000)
- Red tide spreading along Texas Gulf Coast (September 25, 2000)
- RED TIDE - USA (TEXAS) (September 25, 2000)
- Red tide update, September 27, 2000
- Red tide update, September 28, 2000
- Red tide update, September 29, 2000
- Texas Oyster Industry Hurt as Red Tide Sweeps Coast (October 1, 2000)
- Red tide update, October 4, 2000
- Red tide update, October 5, 2000
- Red tide update, October 5, 2000 - 4 p.m.
- Red tide update, October 6, 2000
- Red tide update, October 10, 2000
- Red tide update, October 12, 2000
- Red tide update, October 13, 2000
- Red tide update, October 16, 2000
- Image of Texas Red Tide - October, 2000
- Red tide update, October 20, 2000
- Red tide update, October 26, 2000
- Red tide update, October 27, 2000
- Red tide update, October 31, 2000
- Red tide update, November 3, 2000
- Red tide update, November 11, 2000
- Red Tide Disappears From Texas Coast (November 20, 2000)
2001 articles
- Texas Red Tide Bloom - 2000 - Summary (January 4, 2001)
- Red tide detected in Corpus Christi Bay area -- bays closed (December 19, 2001)
2002 articles
- Red tide update (January 3, 2002)
- Red tide update (January 4, 2002)
- Red tide update (January 9, 2002)
- Red tide update (February 1, 2002)
1997 articles
- Red Tide Prompts Ban on Shellfish Harvesting (August 20, 1997)
- Areas South of Tacoma Narrows tainted by Toxin-producing plankton (December 4, 1997)
- Unusual time of year for PSP in WA (December 1997)
1998 articles
- Treasures of the beach -- hotline, web site have latest on toxins (March 25, 1998)
1999 articles
- Red-tide warning for shellfish (July 23, 1999)
- Red Tide shuts off shellfishing (July 24, 1999)
2000 articles
- Health Officials Issue Shellfish Warning (August 25, 2000)
- 5 More Stricken With Red Tide Poisoning (August 29, 2000)
- Stemming red tide tragedies (September 3, 2000)
- High toxin levels foul Puget Sound's shellfish (September 5, 2000)
- Scientists say dangers from marine toxins getting worse - and nobody
is sure why (September 12, 2000)
- Recent PSP outbreak In Washington State - hospitalizations (September 14, 2000)
2004 articles
- Widespread red-tide warning puts shellfish harvest on hold (July 22, 2004)
- Toxin halts shellfish harvesting in region (July 22, 2004)
1998 articles
- Maine's Dept of Marine Resources detects first bloom of red tide this year. (May 21, 1998)
- State finds a red tide, shuts river (May 21, 1998)
- Red tide closes part of coast to Clamming (June 30, 1998)
- Partial lifting of red tide ban announced (July 11, 1998)
- Five-year study could solve red tide riddle (Sept., 1998)
- Red tide algae may be natural; study shows high occurrence (Dec. 4, 1998)
1999 articles
- Red tide shuts down Nauset, Town Cove (April 30, 1999)
- Data analyses support new red tide theory (June 11, 1999)
2000 articles
- Nauset shellfishing halted by red tide (April 20, 2000)
- No effect on area oysters seen from Cape Cod red tide (April 21, 2000)
- Red Tide - USA (Maine) (June 3, 2000)
- Red tide closure lifted at Nauset beaches (June 3, 2000)
2001 articles
- Red tide closes Nauset estuary to shellfishing (May 1, 2001)
2002 articles
- Red-tide toxins close Nauset to shellfishing (March 28, 2002)
- Red tide keeps estuary closed (July 6, 2002)
- Nauset estuary reopens to shellfishing activities (July 16, 2002)
2005 articles
- Seeing Red in New England Waters -
WHOI researchers detect a massive bloom of algae before it hits the coast (May 26, 2005)
- WHOI Scientists Monitor Largest Red Tide Outbreak in 12 Years in Massachusetts Bay (May 26, 2005)
- Red tide closed Cape Cod Bay to shellfishing (May 27, 2005)
- Red tide puts lock on bay shellfish (May 28, 2005)
- Digging around to serve up clams (May 30, 2005)
- Red tide threatens seabirds, whales (June 1, 2005)
- Red tide's damage spreads (June 2, 2005)
- Scientists study largest red tide outbreak in 12 Years in
Massachusetts Bay (June 2, 2005)
- Monomoy off limits (June 3, 2005)
- As red tide intensifies, so do Cape's concerns (June 3, 2005)
- Red tide continues southward expansion (June 3, 2005)
- Red tide shellfish bed closures extend to Nantucket (June 3, 2005)
- Red tide shuts island beds (June 4, 2005)
- Red tide continues to grow in region (June 4, 2005)
- Mass. shellfish beds idle over red tide (June 4, 2005)
- Red Tide Shuts Shellfish Areas in New England (June 4, 2005)
- 'Unprecedented' Red Tide Taints New England Shellfish (June 5, 2005)
- Red Tide Moves Closer; Shellfishermen Watchful (June 7, 2005)
- Cells may forecast next outbreak (June 8, 2005)
- Scare takes big bite out of clam sales (June 9, 2005)
- Red tide puts strain on Northeast (June 10, 2005)
- SBA urged to meet fishermen (June 12, 2005)
- State closes larger area to shellfishermen (June 12, 2005)
- Red-tide relief gets OK (June 15, 2005)
- County leaders step up involvement (June 16, 2005)
- Cape shellfishermen see investments wash away (June 16, 2005)
- Where Do Red Tides Come From? (June 16, 2005)
- State says no red tide in Rhode Island; precautions announced (June 17, 2005)
- Red tide toxin levels reach record levels in Maine (June 17, 2005)
- US cites 'fishery failure' in Bay State (June 17, 2005)
- Cape fishermen seek help to tide them over financially (June 17, 2005)
- Red tide disaster declared in six Bay State counties (June 17, 2005)
- Clammers say SBA offer not enough (June 18, 2005)
1998 articles
- Biotoxin bloom responsible for the deaths of sea lions off Monterey coast (June 29, 1998)
2000 articles
- Molecular probes link sea lion deaths to toxic algal bloom (January 5, 2000)
- The Center Reports Rescues of Seizing California Sea Lions (July 1, 2000)
- Sea lions dying in record numbers in South County (July 13, 2000)
- Harmful Algae Bloom Detected in the Monterey Bay National
Marine Sanctuary (September 7, 2000)
- Monterey Bay P. australis bloom (September 15, 2000)
2002 articles
- Dolphin die-off, domoic acid? - USA (California) (March 23, 2002)
- Dolphin die-off, domoic acid - USA (California) - 2 (March 28, 2002)
- Domoic acid, razor clams - USA (Washington) (April 1, 2002)
- Sea lions and dolphins are dying due to an oceanic toxin (April 20, 2002)
- Domoic acid (April 25, 2002)
- Mammal, bird die-off, domoic acid - California (May 26, 2002)
- Mammal, bird die-off, domoic acid - California (July 8, 2002)
2003 articles
- Deadly Sea Toxin Kills California Dolphins, Seals (June, 2003)
2005 articles
- Sea lions hurt by planktonic poison (May 31, 2005)
2003 articles
- Whale Die-off - Domoic Acid Suspected (October 23, 2003)
- Marine Mammal Deaths in the Gulf of California due to Red Tide? (Feb. 19, 1997)
- Red tide believed to cause Marine Mammal Deaths in the Gulf of California (April 7, 1997)
- British Columbia Salmon Losses due to Algal Blooms (September 26, 1997)
Mediterranean Monk Seal Deaths off Mauritania, Africa
- Algae outbreak could be world's worst (April 14, 2000)
- Harmful algal blooms worry anglers, threaten fisheries (August 17, 2000)
- Angling to avoid toxic algae (June 28, 2002)
- Domoic acid in southern Brazil (December 6, 2000)
- Oil spill causes Heterosigma bloom (February 2001)
- Red Tide to Remain a Menace for Next Four Months (February 22, 2004)
- St. Lawrence River, Canada PSP outbreak (July 15, 1998)
- Dangerous toxin alert closes New Brunswick waters to shellfish harvesting (April 20, 2002)
- Fisheries officials issue shellfish warning for area outside Halifax (July 7, 2002)
- Two in N.B. hospital after eating toxic shellfish (August 3, 2004)
- Heed shellfish warnings, DFO says (August 3, 2004)
- 'Red Tide' advances on Chiloé Island (March 12, 2002)
- Chilean authorities extend fishing ban due to red tide outbreak (May 8, 2002)
- Massive red tide threat (September 29, 1998)
- Red Tide - China (Bohai Sea) (July 9, 1999)
- Satellite remote sensing used to monitor red tides (April 24, 2000)
- Surging Pollution Levels Blamed for Red Tide off China Coast (May 23, 2000)
- China Facing Growing Impact of Red Tides (May 26, 2000)
- Red Tide - China (Guangdong) (June 12, 2000)
- Giant "red tide" hits East China Sea (June 19, 2000)
- Red Tides a Growing Threat to China's Coast (October 1, 2000)
- RED TIDE - CHINA (GUANGDONG) (October 3, 2000)
- Continuous Deterioration of E. China's Ocean Ecology:
Survey (January 10, 2002)
- Summary of Professor Zhu's presentation on red tide in China (January 11, 2002)
Costa Rica
- PSP in Central America (December 5, 2000)
- ASP Toxins in France (May 17, 2000)
Hong Kong
- Ciguatera Outbreaks in Hong Kong
- Aid plea after $ 20m fish loss (April 1, 1998)
- Farmers in futile bid to move dying fish (April 13, 1998)
- Red Tides Ruin Hong Kong Fish Farms (April 13, 1998)
- ''Red tide'' kills 1,500 tons of HK fish (April 13, 1998)
- Red tide hits popular beach (April 13, 1998)
- Fish fiasco fears amid uncertainty; Officials in a muddle over safety (April 14, 1998)
- Row simmers over algae's spread (April 14, 1998)
- Race against time to collect dead fish amid fears of toxin growth (April 16, 1998)
- Hong Kong fish stocks ravaged by deadly red tide (April 16, 1998)
- Hong Kong calls in experts to tackle 'red tide' (April 17, 1998)
- Red tide plays havoc with fish farms (August 11, 2000)
- Red Tide, Fish Kill - Japan- Seto Sea (July 24, 2004)
- Suspected toxic algae bloom
threatens fish harvests (February 1, 2002)
- Warning on Sabah Red Tide (May 13, 2000)
- Sabah issues stern warning against Red Tide (January 10, 2005)
New Zealand
- Sea lion deaths in New Zealand due to Red Tide? (Jan 31, 1998)
- Scientific summary of Sealion deaths (May 6, 1998)
- Tests show no sign of harbour bloom (April 14, 1998)
- NZ Gymnodinium catenatum bloom (March 14, 2001)
- Norwegian toxic algal bloom kills salmon (May 5, 1998)
- Norway Salmon Farmers on Full algae Alert (May 7, 1998)
- Chattonella algae, Salmon - Norway ex Japan (March 30, 2001)
- Toxic bloom in Peruvian Altiplano lake (February 27, 2001)
- Red Tide - Philippines (Manila Bay) (May 23, 2000)
South Africa
- Crayfish exodus piles up on South African shore (April 27, 1997)
- Red tide, shell fish deaths - South Africa (April 19, 1999)
- Mussels Wash Out - South Africa (June 1, 2000)
- Mussels Wash Out, Red Tide - South Africa (June 2, 2000)
- Dangerous red tide hits West Coast (March 14, 2005)
- Health warning as toxic red tide hits coast (March 15, 2005)
- Response team set up for red tide danger (March 16, 2005)
- Diarrheal Shellfish Poisoning toxin - Spain (Galicia) (September 25, 2002)
United Kingdom
- Scots skippers count the cost of scallop ban (July 13, 1999)
- 8,000 sq miles closed for scallops (July 18, 1999)
- UK plagued with huge blooms of algae (August 3, 1999)
- Poison blamed on fish farms; Expert critical of officials (August 9, 1999)
- There's no toxins in our shellfish (August 14, 1999)
- 3 articles regarding Scottish fish farm growth (September, 1999)
- Final West Coast scallop catching ban removed (March 30, 2001)