WHOI in the News
Go to Sea with Astrobiologists Visiting Hawaii to Learn How to Look for Alien Life
What lives in the ocean’s twilight zone? New technologies might finally tell us
How a top-secret Navy mission found the wreckage of the Titanic–and kept it secret for years
Business Insider
WHOI chosen as location of new NSF-funded ocean bottom seismograph instrument center
This ocean current has huge effects on the world’s seas, and scientists are enduring blistering cold to figure it out
Business Insider
New project seeks to pinpoint lifespan of USS Arizona wreckage
Hawaii News Now
Into the deep to explore the twilight zone
The Boston Globe
Terrawatch: Earth’s spin creates uneven sea level rise
The Guardian
It’s Tough Being a Right Whale These Days
The Atlantic
Airlines react to rising temperatures as industry feels effects of climate change
The Telegraph
Massive Glacial Flood Led to Ancient 200-Year Cold Snap on Earth, Study Says
Weather Underground
Oceanographers in New England Given New Vessel to Explore
US News & World Report
Scientists may have solved a huge riddle in Earths climate past. It doesnt bode well for the future.
The Washington Post
Baleen Holds Secrets To Whales Lives And Deaths
The Atlantic
Ben Lecomte Aims To Be The First To Swim Across The Pacific Ocean
Boston harbor barrier could take 30 years, cost $12B
Daily Mail Online
A robot submarine found the ‘Holy Grail of shipwrecks.’ It’s worth billions.
The Washington Post
Robot submarine finds “holy grail of shipwrecks” with up to $17 billion in treasure
CBS This Morning
New details about 300-year-old shipwreck have been disclosed
Yahoo! News
Alien Waters: Neighboring Seas Are Flowing into a Warming Arctic Ocean
quotes Robert Pickart
World-first probe into an active submarine volcano
Radio New Zealand
quotes Susan Humphris
Kelp Farming Sees a Rise In Interest On the Cape
The Future of Lobstering May Mean Fishing by Computer
quotes Mark Baumgartner
New WHOI facility simulates regions beyond deepest ocean depths
Cape Cod Times
quotes Chris Griner, Carl Kaiser, Brian Durante