WHOI in the News
WHOI Researcher Testing Thermal Cameras to Detect Whale
An increase in vessel traffic through the Gulf Islands in British Columbia, Canada is making whales more vulnerable to ship strikes, and researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution are testing new technology to detect the presence of the marine mammals.
Like Politics, All Sea-Level Rise Is Local
WCAI Radio
Forget the Moon—we Should Go to Jupiter’s Idyllic Europa
Wired Magazine
The weird Upside Down science behind ‘Stranger Things’
Whales almost wiped out
The Canadian Press
Centuries-Old Sea Captain Diaries Are Confirming Modern Climate Science
Intelligent infrared cameras may help keep boats from striking killer whales
WATCH: The Tiny Clear Blobs Washing up on Beaches Are Even Weirder Than You Think
Southern Living
A gigantic deposit of fresh water is hidden off the Northeast coast
The Boston Globe
Is there life on Mars, or on other worlds beyond Earth? The answer may be squishy
IFAW issues dire warning on North Atlantic right whales
The Guardian
Growing a Better Seaweed to Fuel the Future
Beloved submarine Boaty McBoatface makes a big scientific find
WHOI Study Points to Organic Carbon Hiding in Sediments
New Study Spotlights Role of Microbes Living Next to Corals
Sea Technology
A Dead Humpback, a Team of Scientists, a Race for Answers
BU Research
New pilot whale subspecies revealed: Q&A with marine biologist Amy Van Cise
Deploying seismometers where they’re needed most
Physics Today
Hydrophones at Gray’s Reef reveal whole new perspective of marine life
Connect Savannah
New York City sees extraordinary leap in whale sightings
The Guardian
Can sound science help the reefs?
Save Our Seas Magazine
High-tech fishing gear could help save right whales
The Conversation
Footage of underwater search for crashed Air France plane released
The Guardian
High-tech fishing gear could help save critically endangered right whales
The Conversation