WHOI in the News
Our Radioactive Ocean: Ken Buesseler
Upper Cape Perspectives On Earth Day Shift Amid A Silent Spring
“I think Earth Day has always been an opportunity to celebrate the environment around us and how we can take action,” said Judith McDowell, a scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole. “To me Rachel Carson is the epitome of what we choose to celebrate on Earth Day.”
Katharine, the Great White Shark Who Ghosted Her Trackers, Resurfaces
Simon R. Thorrold, a senior scientist in the biology department at WHOI in Falmouth, Mass., said it was “not crazy surprising” that a signal was picked up.
Earth’s oceans may hold the key to finding life beyond our planet
The second vehicle is our Orpheus vehicle, and this is a partnership between JPL and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Ocean’s ‘biological pump’ absorbs more carbon than previously estimated
New research suggests the ocean’s “biological carbon pump” is more efficient at absorbing carbon than scientists previously estimated.
Former Falmouth students credited in new study
Rebecca Cox and Sarah Lott were interns at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution when they became a part of the breakthrough study, which found microorganisms living hundreds of meters beneath the seafloor.
Bacteria as Living Microrobots to Fight Cancer
This was first discovered in the 1970s by Richard Blakemore of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts.
Pop-up pots and the search for ‘whale-safe’ gear
Mark Baumgartner, associate scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, has talked about the entanglement issue with Porter and believes ropeless fishing can work, and that it may be the best option for enabling fishermen and whales to share the same waters.
WHOI Constructing New Innovation Hub
WHOI is planning to build a new, state-of-the-art building on its campus.
Data Lost, Ships Stalled, Lobsters Released: What Woods Hole Scientists Have Left Behind
WHOI researcher Aran Mooney talks about how the shutdown has affected research
Key ingredient in coronavirus tests comes from Yellowstone’s lakes
Quotes WHOI researchers Virginia Edgcomb and Julie Huber
The oceans’ twilight zone must be studied now, before it is too late
Coauthored by WHOI researcher Ken Buesseler
Biologging and Raspberry Pi
Karla Haiat Sasson, who was a guest student at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute summer of 2019, and who is a participant of the DEEPi project at the department of Ocean Engineering at the University of Rhode Island, worked on a project to adapt the DEEPi cameras, which were shown to work successfully, into a biologging system for a WHOI project directed by Tag Lab director Amy Kukulya, that seeks more information on the biology of gray seals in Cape Cod.
Amplified Voices: How identity shapes our scientific experience
Gabriela Serrato Marks discusses navigating the geosciences with a disability and the importance of her community’s support.
Canada-U.S. Atlantic ocean science mission scrubbed due to COVID-19
A joint Canadian-U.S. science mission to monitor ocean climate on the East Coast this spring has been scrubbed because of the coronavirus outbreak.
Lab Gear from Woods Hole Science Institutions Headed to Hospitals
WHOI labs donated gloves, booties and eye protection to local hospitals.
Rapidly rising sea level and the future of our coasts
Op ed authored by WHOI researcher Di Jin
How Wave Power Drives Coastal Erosion in Hawaii Quantified by Researchers
A new study by MIT and WHOI researchers helps to explain the Hawaiian Islands’ meandering shorelines, where north-facing sea cliffs, experiencing larger waves produced by distant storms and persistent tradewinds, have eroded farther inland.
It’s Academic, WHOI Labs Donate Supplies
WHOI is delivering gloves, masks, protective suits, and boot and shoe covers to Cape Cod Hospital to help healthcare workers deal with the Covid-19 crisis.
Indian Ocean phenomenon spells climate trouble for Australia
New research by WHOI has found a marked change in the Indian Ocean’s surface temperatures.
$8.3M award to WHOI extends observational record of critical climate research
The National Science Foundation awarded $8.2 million to WHOI to extend the life of the Overturning in the Sub-polar North Atlantic Program in a key part of Earth’s ocean-climate system.
Plastics’ impact on oceans under scrutiny
“We have an opportunity now, where there is public awareness,” said Mark Hahn, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. “They (plastics) don’t belong there (in the ocean).”
The John, Paul, George, and Ringo of Genes
A pictorial map of the genes that unite all life.
Institutes Team Up To Deliver New Graduate Field Course
A partnership between BIOS and two Massachusetts-based institutions was strengthened with the addition of a new microbial oceanography course.