Center for Ocean, Seafloor and Marine Observing Systems Established at WHOI
January 1, 2005
With decades of experience designing, building and operating marine observing systems of many types around the world, the Institution has established a Center for Ocean, Seafloor and Marine Observing Systems (COSMOS) to provide administrative, management and systems engineering oversight of large observatory and observing systems projects underway at WHOI. COSMOS will serve as a central contact point for scientists at the Institution and at universities and research labs around the country who use Institution systems and facilities, and will help develop new sensors and systems for use by the U.S. scientifi c community. One of the fi rst efforts of COSMOS is coordinating preparations at WHOI for the National Science Foundation.s Ocean Research Interactive Observatories Network (ORION) program, which will include support for construction of open-ocean, coastal and regional cabled observatories. COSMOS will also partner with other New England groups to plan the development and support of coastal observatories and observing systems in the Northeast.