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Richard A. Hartke

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has received word of the death
September 3, 2006 of former employee Richard A. Hartke. He was 72.

Richard A. Hartke was born December 9, 1933 in Jackson, Mich. He
attended schools in Jackson and served in the U.S. Navy from 1952 to
1955 as a radioman third class aboard the USS Beatty.
After military service he worked at Raytheon in Andover, Mass. from
1956 to 1959 as an instrument repairman, attended the Massachusetts
Radio & Telegraph School in Boston for a year, and worked as as
electronics technician from 1959 to 1961 for the Lowell Technological
Research Foundation, maintaining and operating radar at their Plum
Island field site. When the contract ended in 1961 and transferred to
Wentworth Institute, he continued to work as a senior electronic
technician at the Plum Island radar station for the U.S. Air Force
until 1965.

Richard Hartke joined the Institution staff in December 1965 as a
research assistant working with Doug Webb in Ocean Engineering. 
He left the Institution briefly in late 1968 but returned in June 1969
to work as a radioman on the research vessel Chain.
In 1972 he was named a lab assistant, working with Mel Rosenfield in
the Ocean Engineering Department, and left the Institution in May 1973.

Further details will be posted when available.