Ocean Observatories
Navigating new waters
The engineering team at the Ocean Observatories Initiative overcomes the hurdles of deploying the coastal pioneer array at a new site
On the Move
The Coastal Pioneer Array is moving south in 2024. WHOI’s Al Plueddemann discusses the array’s…
From Northern California to Ocean Engineer
OOI engineer Irene Duran's life took her from a dry, hot California town to a…
In the Ocean Twilight Zone, Life Remains a Mystery
A New, Long-term Observation Network Could Help Reveal Its Secrets
New glider design aims to expand access to ocean science
Gliders are vehicles vital to collecting oceanographic data, but not accessible to everyone in the…
Gift enables new investments in ocean technologies
A grant from the Coleman and Susan Burke Foundation has allowed WHOI to make crucial…
Can seismic data mules protect us from the next big one?
Researchers look to new seafloor earthquake detection systems for better detection and warning of seismic…
Life at the Edge
What makes the shelf break front such a productive and diverse part of the Northwest…
Ocean Observatories Initiative
Sailors and scientists have gone to sea for centuries to unravel the inner workings of…
Aqua Incognita
There is a jar of money in the conference room of the Mooring Operations &…
A Pioneering Vision
In 2005, scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution devised a revolutionary plan: They would deploy…
The Young Woman and the Sea
Meghan Donohue always wanted a career in oceanography. She earned an undergraduate degree in physical…
Diving for Data
It’s the middle of the night on Cape Cod, Mass. Thousands of miles away in…
Pinocchio’s Nose
It took only a month for the new Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) to reveal insights…
The Hotspot for Marine Life
The continental shelfbreak in the waters off New England is an area where a spectacular…
All the Ocean’s a Stage
“All right, Mr. Brickley, the show begins at two o’clock,” John Kemp announced as he…
Woman on Board
When Meghan Donohue decided to become a mooring technician—a job usually done by men—she knew…
Ocean Observatories System Is Up and Running
The Ocean Observatories Initiative has reached a major milestone: Its network of ocean sensor systems…
A Green Thumb for Ocean Microbes
Anyone who has tried to grow orchids or keep a bonsai tree alive will tell…
New Laboratory Opens at WHOI
Scientists and engineers began moving into the newest laboratory at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)…
New Head of WHOI Fleet Comes Aboard
<!– –> Sometimes, a career change has the feel of deferred destiny. “I was in…
Ocean Observatories Initiative Poised to Launch
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) was awarded a $97.7 million grant to help build a…
A Sea Change in National Ocean Policy?
Early in the new century, two national commissions conducted the first thorough reviews in a…
WHOI Scientists Provide Congressional Testimony
Susan Humphris, chair of the Geology and Geophysics Department, testified May 4, 2006, before the…