Ocean Circulation
Go with the flow
Mike Singleton, relief captain, R/V Neil Armstrong describes the intricate dance of navigating ocean currents during scientific expeditions
Nature’s Language
Using applied math (and chalk) to understand the dynamic ocean
Saving Tico
A manatee’s odyssey and the role of currents in marine mammal conservation
Will the Gulf Stream really shut down?
WHOI physical oceanographer Robert Todd weighs in
Making sense of a mystery fish
Scientists tackle long-standing questions about the elusive American eel
Waiting on the next freshwater flush
Could the unprecedented amounts of freshwater in the Beaufort Sea stall the current system that…
Coral time machines
Sophie Hines discusses the paleo-research power of fossil corals
Tracking change in the Arctic Ocean
Changes in the Arctic Ocean are becoming clearer, thanks to an ocean monitoring network maintained…
Investigating the ocean’s influence on Australia’s drought
Researchers look to the Indian Ocean for clues on how Australia’s blazing wildfires and bone-dry…
A tunnel to the Twilight Zone
Scientists track hungry blue sharks as they ride swirling currents down to the ocean twilight…
A ‘Ticking Time Bomb’ in the Arctic
Scientists discover that the amount of heat in a major Arctic Ocean circulation system has…
The Current that Feeds the Galápagos
A small fleet of robotic undersea vehicles paints the first detailed picture of a vast…
Can We Improve Monsoon Forecasts?
Scientists are exploring the ocean to gain new insights into forecasting the still-unpredictable monsoon rains…
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Ocean
Like someone monitoring the traffic flow on a road system, MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate student…
Forecasting Where Ocean Life Thrives
The ocean, like the atmosphere, has "fronts," and it's hardly quiet on them. In fact,…
Extreme Climate
Extreme climatic events such as unusually severe storms and droughts can have profound consequences for…
Communicating Under Sea Ice
Researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution developed a new communication and navigation system that works…
Warming Ocean Drove Catastrophic Australian Floods
New research by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution physical oceanographer Caroline Ummenhofer and Australian scientists suggests…