Daniel Hentz
A curious robot is poised to rapidly expand reef research
WHOI scientists with the Coral Catalyst Team are leveraging a new, artificially intelligent robot to…
Adapt or retreat:
No solution is off the table to prepare for sea level rise in Woods Hole
A coral reef kickstart
WHOI's Reef Solutions Initiative takes a multi-disciplinary approach to investigate solutions for ailing coral reefs
Five times the ocean helped us learn about the human body
For people studying the human body, big ideas can sometimes come in small, briny packages
Whale Safe
For Mark Baumgartner, Whale Safe is the natural evolution of WHOI’s work with passive acoustics
Measuring the great migration
A bioacoustic mooring will use sound to help estimate life migrating in the ocean's twilight…
WHOI breaks in new research facility with MURAL Hack-A-Thon
Engineers use test tanks and 3D printers to prototype an acoustic sensor in the new…
Falling in love with deep-sea parasites
At hydrothermal vents there are body-snatchers, intestinal hitchhikers, and chest-bursters, but something about them is…
New glider design aims to expand access to ocean science
Gliders are vehicles vital to collecting oceanographic data, but not accessible to everyone in the…
The ocean science-art connection
Some of the most complex insights in marine science are no match for the communicative…
Oil spill response beneath the ice
Successful test deployment of WHOI vehicle Polaris expands U.S. Coast Guard response to oil spills…
Five books WHOI researchers are reading right now
Ocean scientists don't just read peer-reviewed papers to stay inspired. Some require less-obvious forms of…
Working from Home: Mallory Ringham
WHOI-MIT joint program student outfits her basement to do vital work on a marine carbon…
Bioacoustic alarms are sounding on Cape Cod
The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and its Marine Mammal Rescue Team in Yarmouth,…