Upcoming Events
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program: Density Layering in Rotating Stratified Turbulence
Walsh Cottage 569 Woods Hole Road, Woods HoleWeek of Events
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program: Density Layering in Rotating Stratified Turbulence
Cécile Le Dizes, Toulouse Institute of Fluid Mechanics Sponsored by: WHOI GFD Program - Walsh Cottage
MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Redox Revolutions: Earth and Beyond
MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Redox Revolutions: Earth and Beyond
Ariel Anbar, Arizona State University Sponsored by: MC&G Department - Clark 507 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 507. For those that wish to join virtually, you…
Physical Oceanography Department Hybrid Seminar: Impacts of MJO on the Intraseasonal Temperature Variation in East Asia
Physical Oceanography Department Hybrid Seminar: Impacts of MJO on the Intraseasonal Temperature Variation in East Asia
Sunyong Kim, WHOI Sponsored by: Physical Oceanography Department - Clark 507 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 507. For those that wish to join virtually, you can…
AOP&E Department Virtual Seminar: Towards Data-Driven Underwater Acoustic Localization
AOP&E Department Virtual Seminar: Towards Data-Driven Underwater Acoustic Localization
Amir Weiss, MIT Sponsored by: AOP&E Department - Smith Conference Room This will be a hybrid seminar held in Smith Conference room. Zoom invite for those wishing to join virtually: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/94677384644?pwd=Z0xvN20xWm02ZlI2aVhOWjMxUkZ4dz09…
Biology Department Hybrid Seminar: Shipwrecks as Island-Like Habitats in the Ocean
Biology Department Hybrid Seminar: Shipwrecks as Island-Like Habitats in the Ocean
Kirstin Meyer-Kaiser, WHOI Sponsored by: Biology Department - Redfield Auditorium This will be a hybrid seminar held in Redfield Auditorium. For those that wish to join virtually, you can join…