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Upcoming Events
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program: Density Layering in Rotating Stratified Turbulence
Walsh Cottage 569 Woods Hole Road, Woods HoleCécile Le Dizes, Toulouse Institute of Fluid Mechanics Sponsored by: WHOI GFD Program - Walsh Cottage
Physical Oceanography Department Seminar: Lagrangian Tools for the Analysis of Oceanic and Atmospheric Flows
Jezabel Curbelo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain Sponsored by: Physical Oceanography Department - Clark 201 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 201. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/96050868877?pwd=ZGVzdlhOQWRsMlA0SGVtMkFBdzExQT09