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Best of 2023WHOI's best of 2024

It's been a year of steady sailing, charting bold new courses.

Our vessels circled the globe, our vehicles descended to the depths, and our people never stopped pursuing high-integrity, independent, ocean science.

Join us, as we work for the good of our ocean, our planet, and our future. 

Top 5 stories

Investigating the human-ocean connection.

This year our top stories were about pursuing energy and food security solutions without harming marine life or damaging the ocean.

Top 5 videos

There are some things you have to see to believe.

Our top videos of the year illuminated the unexpected world flourishing below the surface.

Top 5 Ocean Topics

In the learning zone.

This year you dove through every salty layer on your way down. You made Ocean Zones the most-read educational material that we offer. But don't stop just because you've reached the Trenches! Explore topics for every depth and discipline in ocean science.


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