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PO Research / Welcome Research Associate Thomas Meunier

Welcome Research Associate Thomas Meunier


Thomas Meunier, Research Associate, joins WHOI’s PO Department. Thomas earned a PhD from the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Brest (France), and Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas, Vigo (Spain).  His area of research is mesoscale and submesoscale oceanic processes, particularly in the formation, evolution, and decay of coherent and recurrent vortices and their impact on other oceanic structures. This includes their interactions with coastal currents and topography, basin-scale transports of heat and salt, stability properties, and small-scale tracer variance production. Thomas’s work is both observational and numerical.  He joined the Bower lab to study the deep dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico.  Based on a large RAFOS dataset this work aims to better understand the deep mesoscale and submesoscale structures and topographic waves, their impact on tracer dispersion, and their connection with boundary currents and surface dynamics. When Thomas isn’t working, he loves to spend time with his family. He is also an avid sailor, participating in offshore races. Photo provided by Thomas Meunier.