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PO Research / Welcome Postdoctoral Investigator Greg Koman

Welcome Postdoctoral Investigator Greg Koman

KomangregGreg Koman, Postdoctoral Investigator, joins WHOI’s PO Department.  Greg earned his PhD in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami.  Greg’s current research interests include large scale ocean circulation, Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and climate change.  While at WHOI, Greg will be working with Amy Bower and Heather Furey to investigate recent observations of the Deep Western Boundary Current near Greenland as part of the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program.  Greg enjoys going on adventures with his growing family (wife Dana, 6 week old son Huckleberry, 2 dogs and a cat).  He also loves sailing, hiking, New England craft beer, the writings of Henry David Thoreau, and the state of Vermont.  Photo provided by Greg Koman.